Does Vagus Nerve Stimulation Help Relieve Chronic Inflammation Symptoms?

Sep 22, 2024

Suffering from chronic inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, or migraines? New non-invasive, drug-free vagus nerve stimulation could help alleviate symptoms. Find out more with wellness tech leaders, Pulsetto.

Mum used to joke about it. When her knees got so stiff and you could almost hear them creaking under the strain. She laughed about it. But then again, that was Mum! Always deflect with humor. It wasn’t until the swelling really took hold and spread to her arms, wrists and fingers that she’d admitted it was a real problem. Then all the doctor could do was talk drugs and surgery. Quite the wake-up call. But then Mum came across this report that linked vagus nerve stimulation to relief from chronic inflammation. Was there anything to it?

Read the report from industry leaders Pulsetto for yourself at       

What Is Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)?

Vagus nerve stimulation (or VNS) is a favorite buzzword of biohackers and modern alternative health enthusiasts who use it as a way to relax and reset the body’s fight-or-flight reflexes. It uses mild electrical stimulation to the vagus nerve (the body’s longest cranial nerve) to affect the gut, muscles, joints, and stress hormones. 

But it is not just billionaire biohackers who are interested in VNS. There’s been loads of recent clinical trials to see what benefits stimulating the vagus nerve can bring to a myriad of conditions, including systemic inflammation.

How does VNS help?

Pulsetto’s report explains the reasons why vagus nerve stimulation is so intrinsically linked to potential treatments for inflammation. A key component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for your body’s stress hormones, the vagus nerve has been shown to release acetylcholine when stimulated during clinical trials. 

So what’s acetylcholine and what does it have to do with inflammation?

Well, this key neurotransmitter inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Basically, acetylcholine is the chemical, which occurs naturally in your body, that tells your immune cells to calm down, actively reducing your inflammation. So using a targeted vagus nerve stimulator to make sure the nerve is doing its job properly could help improve chronic inflammation and lessen the severity of symptoms. Great news for Mum.

According to Pulsetto’s report, using a vagus nerve stimulator could bring relief to those living with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and even migraines. It could help Mum.

Try Pulsetto for drug-free relief

Of course we knew Mum had to try it right away. We did our research and discovered that vagus nerve stimulation using a quality device such as Pulsetto’s vagus nerve stimulator, which is both FCC and CE-certified, is considered safe for the majority of users. So Mum had a quick word with her doctor and we ordered the wellness device that day.

When it arrived, Mum was able to wear Pulsetto’s vagus nerve stimulator comfortably around her neck. It works by delivering low-level electrical pulses to the nerve. But the best part is that the user-friendly design works in tandem with a fully integrated app. This means that it is easy to navigate for those who suffer from inflammation in the hands and finger joints – like Mum.

If you are interested in seeing if Pulsetto can help provide some relief from your chronic inflammation, visit       

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