Replacing your hearing aids’ wax guards every month is essential, but what if it gets stuck? Learn the 5 easy steps for removing a stuck wax guard by reading Nano Hearing Aids’ latest guide.
A big part of maintaining your hearing aids so you extend their lifetime is replacing the wax guard, but what happens if it gets stuck? If you try to remove it the wrong way, you could damage your device.
Fortunately, it's Nano Hearing Aids to the rescue once again with a quick and easy guide that walks you through this process. Learn the right way to replace a stuck wax guard at
Nano explains why your hearing aids require wax guards in the first place, how they prevent wax and moisture buildup, and why monthly replacement is recommended. It also outlines five simple steps you can follow to safely remove and replace a wax guard.
Wax guards protect your hearing aids by blocking debris, moisture, and harmful micro-materials from reaching the speaker. This is why you need to replace them every so often, but you also need to make sure you don't damage your hearing aids. Nano Hearing Aids provides a clear method you can rely on to complete proper replacement. After you've done it once, you'll feel like a pro.
A spokesperson for Nano Hearing Aids explains:
“A stuck wax guard can make it difficult to hear properly and can even damage your devices. Wax guards should be removed using a specialized application stick available through the device’s manufacturer.”
Nano says that when you're using the application stick you don't need to force or twist it into the wax guard but instead, use a gentle touch. Once you've got the stick inserted and you've removed your old wax guard, be sure to use the clean side of the stick to insert the new wax guard. After completing these steps, both the used wax guard and the application stick should be discarded.
Nano also says that while cleaning tools like brushes can help you maintain your hearing aids, wax guards can't be thoroughly cleaned this way and must be replaced. They recommend you change your wax guards at least once a month, or every two weeks if you naturally have more wax in your ears.
Nano Hearing Aids’ FDA-registered, "Class I" devices are designed for adults 18+ with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. Named a Top ENT Solution Provider in 2023, Nano offers a range of OTC hearing aids to suit individual preferences.
This includes Nano's:
Are you struggling with muffled sound lately? A clogged wax guard may be the culprit. Nano’s latest guide makes replacing these components an easy task. Learn the 5 easy steps for keeping your wax guards clean and functioning properly, and stay connected with the conversations happening around you.
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