Teens can launch their own business and earn money from home with this new training program. Check it out today to get started!
Do you want to earn money working from home while you save for college? Create your own business with Teen Biz Camp from Target Evolution!
You can design a company built on your passion, and learn key skills that will benefit you throughout life.
Target Evolution has launched a new teenage business training program for young entrepreneurs looking to generate passive income at home. It offers insight, training, tools and knowledge to help you launch your own business while maintaining social distancing.
More information can be found at: http://targetevolution.org
Target Evolution’s Teen Biz Camp is the leading after-school and summer youth entrepreneurship program that is helping more teens to earn money working from home. It provides you with a flexible work role that can be tailored to fit around your existing schedule.
The program uses LEAR Methodology, which puts experiential learning at the center of data-driven and evidence-based training. It includes Lean Startup Curriculum, remote and hands-on work experience, and a pop-up store that provides participants with multiple opportunities to earn money.
A number of successful teen entrepreneurs have launched their own business with the Teen Biz Camp powered by Target Evolution. These include Nefertiti Miller, the CEO of Sugadoo Cosmetics, Lauren Alexander, the CEO of 2BooG Beauty, and Brice Everhart, CEO of Vallaire's for Men.
The team is motivating youth with a small business to help them earn money for college and other activities while on lockdown. Youth Entrepreneurs can get the guidance and tools they need to succeed.
A recent signup said: “I've learned so much about business with this program, but also been given the tools to teach other youth about business and entrepreneurship.”
Each online class is designed to train young aspiring business owners to create a simple product-based business model. Teens are able to earn money working virtually with other young entrepreneurs, while also developing important life skills to help them in the future.
You will also get your own business starter kit, which includes a laptop or tablet, company logo, business plan pitch deck, and online store to get started.
You can find out more on the URL above!