Educational & Humorous Kid’s Picture Book: A Story About Going To The Doctor

Jun 27, 2024

Want to read your kids a story they’ve never heard before? Then get them a copy of Dr. Charles W. Page’s new Christian kid’s picture book “The Lizard in Lizzy’s Gizzard”, published by Spoonful of Courage.

Not many children's picture books revolve around the accidental swallowing of a lizard, but now, thanks to Dr. Charles W. Page, there's at least one! His new book, entitled The Lizard in Lizzy’s Gizzard — which is his ninth to be published by Spoonful of Courage — follows the escapades of Lizzy, an energetic young girl who mistakenly ingests a lizard named Lazarus. With Lazarus trapped in her throat — and fearing the consequences of confessing to her parents or doctors — Lizzie must get creative in order to free him before it’s too late.

Go to to learn more about this one-of-a-kind story!

What Was The Inspiration Behind The Story?

Page — who spent 20 years as a surgeon before getting into writing and publishing — wrote The Lizard in Lizzy's Gizzard to provide both children and parents with a humorous, captivating, and insightful adventure that they could enjoy together. In the process, he also hoped to educate them about the medical profession and inspire them to reflect on their faith.

“This picture book is not just about lizards - it's about choices and consequences, truth-telling, and creative thinking,” explains Page. “But that’s not all — young readers will also discover the importance of enduring unjust situations, the power of a sincere prayer, and the value of working together in life's challenges.”

Swallowing Lizards? Is It A Dark Story?

Not at all! To keep the story light and playful, Page employs a simple rhyme scheme reminiscent of many classic children’s picture books. The illustrations, which are done by professional artist Miraslav Muratov, are vibrant and immersive as well, adding to the book’s overall sense of whimsy and wonder.

Giving the book some additional depth are the alternating points of view from which the story is told. Readers spend nearly equal amounts of time with both Lizzie and Lazarus and in doing so, come to understand both of their positions in regards to their shared predicament.

"The Lizard in Lizzy’s Gizzard is a visually engaging children's book that teaches important lessons about honesty, perseverance, and the power of prayer in difficult situations,” said a satisfied reader. “The religious element adds an interesting dimension to the narrative and makes for a thoroughly entertaining and enlightening read. Overall, it's a great resource for children.”

How Can I Purchase The Book?

The Lizard in Lizzy’s Gizzard is available in paperback, hardcover, and digital formats on Amazon and through the publisher’s website.

Head on over to to get your child a copy today!

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