If you’ve been Google-ing “How do I become a better leader?”, look for a book that offers exercises as well as concepts. J Epperson’s “My XYZs of Excellence” is just what you need to become a more effective leader, building psychological safety in your organization!
2022 has seen more people enrolling in an MBA program than in any other time in history, with the hopes of learning how to manage people. Yet, management is quite different from leadership. In your MBA program, you are taught the three crucial aspects to any business: time, quality, and money. Your job is to find the balance among the three.
If you focus on time, you may be compromising the quality of your work or be paying more (or less) to achieve your goals. Focus on quality, and you need to pay more and offer more time for your employees to accomplish it. Focus on money, and you could be receiving underwhelming quality in a short amount of time.
Notice how none of the aspects deal with “people” - yet “people” are the main factors that determine a company’s success.
This is where leadership comes in. Our society needs more leaders than managers; executives who know that, even with the juggling act of time, money, and quality, there still needs to be an emphasis on a company’s people.
There is a book that helps you understand this better.
J A Epperson, MBA, announces that his book, “My XYZs of Excellence: 26 Days to Excellence in Business Leadership and Life” is now available on Kindle. The self-improvement book offers a practical guide on becoming an effective leader using actionable daily steps.
The announcement highlights Epperson’s commitment to helping many business executives become better leaders with his unique 26-step system.
Get your copy today at https://booklocker.com/books/9194.html
Epperson explains that the title of his book already clues you in to his leadership coaching strategy. By emphasizing the last three letters of the alphabet, he highlights the importance of following his book step-by-step to achieve significant results. There are 26 business strategies that you can use in order to learn the key business success concepts that many of today’s greatest leaders follow.
In the second section, each of the 26 concepts will be reviewed within one of five business-building elements, Attitude, Client, Message, Implement, and Grow. In doing so, you learn how to apply your knowledge in real-life practical situations. According to Epperson, this allows you to actively engage with the book and exercise your learnings within a “Learn It, Do It, and Teach It” framework. Further details can be found at https://jaepperson.com
This way, it’s not only a “Yeah, I get the concept”, but a “Oh, I UNDERSTAND what this book is saying”. It’s an interactive process that gives a higher-level understanding of concepts.
Aside from the book, Epperson also offers a business management course with the same name. The XYZs of Excellence course is meant for any business owner or high-level executive who is committed to becoming more successful. The holistic and transformative program also features 26 courses, as is found in Epperson’s book.
The entire XYZs of Excellence course is a self-paced online program featuring 205 lessons. The course can be accessed on any device.
J Epperson is a highly regarded leadership and management expert. Having presented at many national and regional conferences on various leadership topics, from authenticity to accountability to responsibility, Epperson understands what concepts work for financial success and which don’t.
Epperson writes, "This book is about building and becoming the type of leader your business needs to succeed and thrive in whatever business you've chosen to build. The 26 concepts are universal and when mastered will help you become successful in whatever business you own."
Go to https://jaepperson.thinkific.com so you can learn more.