
Effective Treatments For Hearing Loss And Vertigo In Rock Springs, WY

Jul 8, 2020

Get a comprehensive hearing and balance assessment at Intermountain Hearing Centers of Rock Springs, WY. Call 307-362-8221 or visit https://www.intermountainhearingcenters.com for more about healthy hearing solutions.

Do you suffer from constant ringing in your ears, dizzy spells, or the loss of balance? These symptoms point to disorders in your ears that treated early, could help you avoid more serious conditions later in life. Don't delay diagnosis and treatment—call Intermountain Hearing Centers of Rock Springs, WY today.

The Rock Springs, WY hearing center offers individualized hearing loss treatments based on complete evaluation and diagnostic tests. A Doctor of Audiology and the clinical audiologist will examine you before creating a personalized treatment plan that includes the selection, fitting, and verification of a hearing aid.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) estimates that only 20 percent of those diagnosed with hearing loss seek help. People who require hearing aids wait nearly 10 years from their initial diagnosis to get their first hearing aid devices. 

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that one in eight Americans aged 12 or older has hearing loss in both ears. NIDCD statistics also indicate that 28.8 million Americans would benefit from hearing aids.

Intermountain Hearing Centers of Rock Springs offers you a trial period of one to four weeks after the initial evaluation before commencing follow-up treatments. The center also treats debilitating balance conditions such as vertigo, imbalance, dizziness, and other vestibular disorders.

As a leading balance disorder treatment center in Rock Springs, WY, Intermountain Hearing Centers is equipped to administer a wide range of tests. Certified audiologists use videonystagmography, Neuro-diagnostic Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (cVEMP), Electrocochleography (EcoG), and rotational chair testing to accurately evaluate vertigo and other balance disorders.

Intermountain Hearing Centers supplies digital hearing aids and assistive listening devices from all major manufacturers. The clinic also performs computerized hearing aid analysis, hearing aid repair, and fine-tuning services. Get all your hearing products and services under one roof in Rock Springs.

Visit https://www.intermountainhearingcenters.com/rock-springs-hearing-and-balance-center or https://goo.gl/maps/FMxjnWAhAQKB9r7t6 for more information.

Intermountain Hearing Centers is a specialized audiological treatment center located off Dewar Drive in Rock Springs, WY. The practice is headed by Doctors of Audiology Stephen Harward and Kevin Harward. 

Call 307-362-8221 or visit https://www.intermountainhearingcenters.com to schedule your hearing and balance assessment.

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