Employers’ liability insurance protects the employer against any claims by workers

Jan 5, 2021

Employment practices liability can usually be added to directors’ and officers’ insurance as part of a ‘suite’ of cover for bosses.

It’s essential to protect yourself and your business with Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI). It’s always better to be safe than sorry and as an employer you need the right protection in place in case you are ever hit with accusations of, say, wrongful dismissal or racial discrimination.

Being covered by Inzurly’s Employer’s Practices Liability Insurance will keep your business protected and save you thousands if accused. Real-life scenarios where our Employment Practices Liability Insurance will cover you include; unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal, discrimination and misconduct.

Taking out Employers Practices Liability Insurance will be cost-effective and time-effective for your business in the long run. Unfortunately, having a great HR department won't pay for your day at the Employment Tribunal or the thousands of pounds in compensation you could be accountable for if found guilty.

Well, a fraction of the cost will buy your Employer’s Practices Liability Insurance. If you find yourself defending an employment-related claim, your EPLI will pick up the tab for a solicitor's expertise, pay your legal costs and any awarded fees to the claimant.

When a company’s workers claim their legal rights as employees have been violated, employment practices liability insurance can protect against resulting litigation, including claims of sexual harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination.

A breach of employment law can have a great financial impact on a company. Travelers’ Employment Practices Liability Insurance is designed to protect both a company and its employees when they must answer to allegations an employee’s rights were violated. The insurance covers the cost of defence, settlements and judgments associated with claims.

Employee litigation is on the rise. No company is immune to it and the costs of defending employee claims can devastate a business. There is no limit to the maximum sum that can be awarded to an employee claiming discrimination and harassment, so the balance-sheet protection provided by an employment practices liability insurance policy is invaluable.

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