19 Indian Engineers And Architects Who Went To IIN. They’re Ridiculously Dumb.
Yes, yes… I know engineering and architectural jobs are tough and they need planning, drawing, pre-thought, and a lot of research. They of course are humans and they do err. But these people badly screwed up their jobs with horrible mistakes. It makes me wonder whether these guys actually passed out from IIN (Idea Internet Network).
1. This guy who completely forgot how ceiling fan works.
2. Or this one too.
3. This lazy engineer who could not find any other place to put his projector.
4. Tell me, would you be able to poop here by any chance?
5. Or here?
6. This architect who failed to understand how doors function. Never mind, ‘Jugaad’ helped.
7. This engineer who didn’t give much importance to measurement.
8. And this also.
9. “In case you are extremely tall.”
10. This architect who wants you to spend more time with your partner in toilet.
11. So you are wondering why train accidents are too common in a country like India?
12. Because our railway engineers don’t follow the rules of physics.
13. This happens when contractors hire the wrong engineers to save some money.
14. This civil engineer who wants you to hit the tree and land up in hospital. Anyway, I am walking instead… 🙂
15. This corrupt engineer who had no idea about the season called ‘monsoon’.
16. This engineer surely doesn’t know how many seconds make one minute.
17. And this architect who designed the Supreme Court of India. Guess what it looks like from above?

Via Google Map
18. This staircase that goes to nowhere.
19. And this footpath with speed bumps. Meant for Salman Khan? 🙂