A new GDPR compliance tool has been launched by Gabo Bruno, called Correctsender GDPR Fix. It makes it easier than ever to ensure sites are compliant with the new laws.
Gabo Bruno has announced the launch of Correctsender GDPR Fix, which allows small and medium sized companies to do the correct GDPR measures by themselves. It makes GDPR compliance extremely simpler and cheap, and is designed to be easy to use.
More information can be found at: http://letsgolook.at/Correctsender-GDPRFix
The site explains that there are a number of different websites that need to ensure they are GDPR compliant. For example, if visitors from European union can visit and interact with a website, and if it runs monitoting like cookies, pixel or similar, it needs to be compliant.
What’s more, if visitors from the EU can sign up or register on the site, or give away their data in any other way, the site needs to be compliant.
In addition to this, if the site stores any email addresses and other information about EU citizens, it need to be compliant. Any sites that sends any kind of newsletters or offers to people from the EU needs to be compliant as well.
Correctsender has a number of features for different types of website and makes it easier than ever before to ensure GDPR compliance. For information websites, they simply have to set up a company profile, edit the templates, and paste in the correct code.
This website fix tool can be applied to websites of any kind, not just WordPress sites. It is highly versatile to use, and visitors can be forwarded on if they don’t accept the cookie policy.
Correctsender fulfills 14 compliances, rules and key requirements for GDPR. For example, it allows customers to request access to data that the site has about them.
In addition to this, it offers data erasure, privacy policy acceptance, the right to object, the right to be forgotten, and a number of other options.
Full details can be found on the URL above. Additional information is available at: https://muncheye.com/gabo-bruno-correctsender-gdpr-compliant-autoresponder-and-website-fix