Ensure Tailings Management Compliance In S. Africa With Top Consulting Engineers

Aug 21, 2024

With Geotheta (+27-10-006-2292), you can ensure the safety of your mining site and improve operational efficiency with the help of their TSF consultants.

Do you want to ensure that your tailings facility meets the highest safety standards? Are you looking for custom engineering solutions based on advanced modeling technology? With Geotheta, you'll work with globally recognized consulting engineers who can elevate the safety of your mining operations to the next level.

To learn more, visit https://www.geotheta.com/

Who is Geotheta?

Geotheta is an engineering consulting firm specializing in tailings storage facilities (TSFs). The company offers its expertise as designers, construction supervisors, and Engineers of Record for clients across Africa, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East. With over 100 completed design projects in the last nine years, Geotheta has a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions.

Ian Hammond, a principal tailings and geotechnical engineer with over 38 years of experience, states: "We have the knowledge and experience you need to keep your tailings storage facilities compliant with appropriate legislation, regulations, and standards by following best practice techniques. Our team works with you in an open and honest manner to build a successful and long-lasting partnership."

The Need for TSF Expertise

TSFs require meticulous design, construction, management, operation, and closure due to the presence of toxic substances, fine particles, and flowable contents. Geotheta provides storage solutions tailored to the specific needs of each site, enhancing safety, efficiency, and economic viability.

Their team of professional engineers and scientists ensures that all facilities align with regulatory requirements—a critical need given the increasing scrutiny on TSFs within the mining industry.

With experience in various types of TSFs, Geotheta designs facilities for different mineral residues and deposition methods. Their capabilities include slurry deposition techniques like cycloning and day-wall construction, as well as paste, filtered, and dry-stacked tailings management. Geotheta adapts its services to your mining operation’s specific needs, taking into account the site’s location, meteorological conditions, the minerals being extracted, and the chosen deposition method.

As part of its services, Geotheta assesses each facility according to the principles and requirements outlined in the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM). Following their assessment, the team assists in developing risk-reduction and TSF enhancement plans to guide your operation towards compliance with GISTM standards, thereby minimizing risks and impacts on life and the environment.

Ensure Ongoing Compliance

TSF management is an ongoing process. By collaborating with professionals who provide continuous oversight, your firm can maintain functional, safe, and compliant facilities from construction through to closure.

For more information about Geotheta's services and credentials, visit https://www.geotheta.com/

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