You’ve seen everybody playing pickleball — now you want to join in! Well, make sure you do so without any injuries by reading Experience Pickleball’s new guide!
Are you always walking off the pickleball court with a little nag or niggle somewhere on your body? Then it's time for you to read Experience Pickleball's new guide! From choosing the right equipment to refining your technique, the guide has all the information you need to elevate your performance and increase your enjoyment out on the court. It also provides warm-up and cool-down recommendations to help prevent injury and keep you in top shape for every match.
Check the guide out for yourself by visiting
A recent study by the Association of Pickleball Professionals found that nearly 50 million adult Americans have played pickleball at least once in the last 12 months, up 35% from the previous year. However, this surge in popularity has also led to an increase in injuries, with some estimates suggesting that as many as 19,000 pickleball-related incidents are reported annually. With its new guide, Experience Pickleball hopes to significantly reduce this number while continuing to help grow the sport.
“Pickleball is a fun and engaging sport, but injuries can quickly turn enjoyment into frustration,” explained Damien Dansel, founder of Experience Pickleball. “To prevent injuries and ensure you have a great time on the court, you need to follow some essential safety tips.”
Two of the most important things you can do to reduce your chances of injury are to understand the rules of the game and have a firm grasp on basic shot-making techniques. By adhering to the rules and executing shots correctly, you ensure that any games you play in are fair and safe and you minimize the risk of accidents happening.
Also important is having the right equipment. Experience Pickleball recommends you pick a paddle with an appropriate-sized handle and balls with lots of spring. Your shoes need to be comfortable with plenty of tread on them and your clothes should be breathable and moisture-wicking. If you're prone to getting blisters on your hands, fingerless gloves are a great way to protect your palms while still being able to maintain a good grip on the handle.
Once out on the court, Experience Pickleball encourages you to take the time and do a proper warm-up that involves dynamic stretching and swift movements. Similarly, after a game, you should perform a cool-down routine of light walking or jogging, static stretching, and hydration to ease your body’s transition back to a resting state.
“Once you're done your cool-down and off the court, check for any signs of injury or discomfort,” said Dansel. “Always address injuries early to prevent them from becoming chronic. This proactive approach ensures that you stay healthy and ready for your next pickleball game.”
Injuries can put a real damper on your pickleball career! If you want to play well into your golden years, following the tips in Experience Pickleball's new guide will help you do that! Go to and take your pickleball game to the next level today!