Expert Legal & Business Perspectives On Non-Financial Blockchain Applications

Sep 3, 2024

To help you learn more about emerging tech, Macadamia Solutions LLC offers an online resource that explains non-financial blockchain applications and the many ways they are set to influence industry and society.

You know blockchain applications are important - but you may not fully understand how or why. The online technology resource from Dr. Steven A. Wright demystifies complex information around blockchain technology and smart contracts.

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Dr. Wright covers ethical, legal, and business aspects of blockchain applications, with a discussion of how this emerging technology can affect many areas of your life, from healthcare to politics.

At a time when technology continues to develop rapidly, the online resource is part of an ongoing series of blog posts focusing on challenges and opportunities surrounding blockchain smart contracts and other technological ecosystems.

Stay Informed

A recent report from Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain shows that the adoption of blockchain technology brings a number of implications for industry, as it affects the power distribution among stakeholders while also reducing the need for intermediary entities within networks. Recognizing the many complexities surrounding blockchain applications, the online resource from Dr. Steven A.Wright has been created as a way to keep you informed.

“Technology is changing the world at an unprecedented pace, creating new opportunities and challenges for humanity,” explains Dr. Wright. “How do we ensure that technology is used for good and not evil? How do we regulate and govern technology in a fair, transparent way? These are some of the questions that my blog explores.”

Learn About Challenges

Some of the many topics Dr. Wright covers include the technical and legal challenges associated with healthcare blockchains and smart contracts, blockchain-enabled decentralized network management in 6G, smart contract life cycle operations, and the advantages of a blockchain voting roadmap.

You'll also learn about the role of DAOs versus PBCs for public administration and social policy entities, arguments for the decentralization of deep learning, autonomy of software agents, and pharmaceutical supply blockchains. Visit to learn more.

With a focus on ethical and legal implications, Dr. Wright investigates processes and factors that continue to influence the adoption and diffusion of blockchain technologies.

Who Is Dr. Steven A. Wright?

Dr. Wright is an international keynote speaker, engineer, lawyer, professor, entrepreneur, and a passionately committed team player. His focus is on mentoring, teaching, and research into the development and negotiation of agreements that enable new ecosystems in the information technology industry.

Keep up to day about emerging technologies with guidance from Dr. Steven A. Wright!

Find more details and contact Dr. Wright at

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