Vitality Wellness Clinic (817-527-6077) helps women get pregnant in Colleyville, TX. Our acupuncture for fertility has been proven to help two-thirds of our clients conceive.
Are you trying to get pregnant but are encountering challenges? Now there’s a solution for you. We offer a painless (and affordable) way to boost your immune system and strengthen your organs so that you can conceive with ease!
According to research, one out of eight couples encounter challenges in conceiving. Moreover, only 26% of IVF (in-vitro fertilization) cycles yield a successful pregnancy. Aware of these statistics, we at Vitality Wellness Clinic launch our strengthened alternative treatment for medically assisted conception.
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The updated services are recommended for couples who feel that they’ve exhausted all western medicine treatments. Fertility - both for women and men - is a complex issue that involves the interaction between the immune and reproductive systems. When the former is not performing optimally, it can affect the wellness of the latter.
Acupuncture has a long history of supporting healthy conception. Several studies have shown that the alternative wellness therapy improves fertility by reducing stress and improving the reproductive system. For women, this means improving circulation to the uterus and strengthening the uterine lining. For men, this means improving sperm motility.
The therapy involves placing thin needles at certain pressure points in the body. These stimulate blood flow to the area and follow the philosophy of energy healing. You are assumed to have a “blocked” energy channel, which has physically manifested as an illness. In infertility, there is a blocked energy point caused by stress.
Acupuncture for fertility in our clinic has shown remarkable results. Over the last 35 years, our lead practitioner, Dr. Jason Tsing, has helped hundreds of women achieve a successful pregnancy.
In fact, Dr. Tsing says that two-thirds of women who use acupuncture with IVF treatments conceive. Furthermore, regular and consistent acupuncture helps the woman healthily carry the child to term.
We also provide nutritional advice for a healthier lifestyle to increase the chances of you conceiving.
You are encouraged to schedule an initial consultation at our clinic by calling 817-527-6077 or by booking an appointment through our website. Initial visits are free.
We also specialize in pain management, cupping, sports injuries, and allergy management. For a full list of services, you are invited to visit the website.
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