Are you tired of working paycheck to paycheck and not being able to build savings? Increase Your Income, a financial literacy course by Invested Mom, can teach you how to reduce your debt and start building generational wealth for your family.
Does it seem like everywhere you look, people are shifting to a work-from-home model with multiple income streams? As a parent, you can see the benefits of such a model, being able to spend more time with your kids and less money on childcare.
Change can be scary! But what if you could get the financial education you need to supplement your income enough to get out of debt and start building generational wealth for your family?
Invested Mom has just the class for you!
Increase Your Income is a membership-based, self-paced course that focuses on teaching you how to start advocating for your own fiscal security to find greater financial freedom.
Want to learn more? Visit
✦ Poverty Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy ✦
Perhaps you've heard the term "poverty mindset". Maybe you even know you have such a mindset, but how in the world do you stop?
For working-class people who were not born into families with previously established generational wealth, it can be incredibly difficult to attain financial freedom. Working just to pay the bills can become a way of life, making the idea of increasing their income and savings feel impossible. Working-class people are less likely to ask for pay raises or look for better-paying jobs simply because they don't have the confidence to do so.
Increase Your Income shows you that changing your mindset is the first step toward finding financial freedom. And it shows you just how to make that change.
✦ Invest In Your Future ✦
Increase Your Income teaches you how to professionally negotiate a pay raise with confidence. The course also teaches you how to develop multiple income streams to supplement your paychecks, how to start investing to build savings, and how to reduce debt to increase financial freedom.
For parents who wish to work from home to spend more time with their children, Increase Your Income provides the education needed to help make the transition and build multiple income streams.
✦ About Invested Mom ✦
Invested Mom was created by Inge, originally from Cape Town, South Africa, and currently living and working in Canada. Her specialized financial literacy course, Increase Your Income, was designed to help uplift those individuals interested in leveling up their financial understanding. Having figured out how to use investing practices to become debt-free and start building generational wealth for her family, Inge decided to use her knowledge and skills to advocate for others, especially working mothers.
Interested to learn more and register for the Increase Your Income course? Visit