Find Inclusive LGBTQ Jobs in Health Care: Diversity Job Board Winston Salem

Jun 30, 2023

Inclusive job board WorkplaceDiversity connects Winston Salem DEI-focused employers in Winston Salem, NC with talented individuals from the LGBTQ community. Find a range of inclusive opportunities in healthcare right now by reviewing current listings.

While North Carolina gained globally infamy for the passing of the H2 bill in 2016, many public spheres and professional sectors have taken the bull by the horns and reversed anti-LGBTQ sentiments and policies.

One of the most remarkable transformations has been in healthcare, with North Carolina now ranking at the top of the nation's most LGBTQ-friendly states when it comes to hospital care.

If you identify as part of the LGBTQ community and you're looking for a career in healthcare, premier diversity job board WorkplaceDiversity has just listed a number of opportunities available in Winston Salem.

From family practitioners to pharmacy technicians to registered nurses and more, WorkplaceDiversity gives healthcare graduates and experienced professionals who want to advance their careers at inclusive organizations in Winston Salem, NC a robust list of job options.

See what's available to you now, at

As North Carolina is now home to some of the most compassionate and inclusive hospitals in the US, you might be wondering what might be out there for you.

Inclusive job board WorkplaceDiversity, a source for diverse talent and inclusive employers, has you covered. Pop over to the board for a list of available jobs at LGBTQ-friendly organizations in healthcare, and find your dream role now.

The platform is easy to navigate: simply input your desired job title and desired location into the two aptly named fields to generate a list of hiring organizations. Listings include the employer's name and available role, their contact information, a job description, and the opportunity to apply immediately or bookmark the job for future. Salaries are often posted as well.

Employers seeking talent from diverse backgrounds have a range of posting packages to choose from. Those who upgrade to the Network can have available positions posted to all nine of the inclusive sites represented by WorkplaceDiversity. Some examples of these sites include,,,

The basic posting package offered by the site allows the organization to set up a profile that includes its logo, contact information, website, video content, and social media pages. “Spotlight” packages offer top-of-search page prominence and a feature on the job seeker home page. Employers looking for substantial visibility can choose the “Featured Company” package which places their logo at the top of the platform’s landing page along with other attraction benefits.

If you've got your heart set on advancing your career in healthcare at an LGBTQ-friendly organization in Winston Salem, or you're an employer looking for top talent, consult the WorkplaceDiversity job board today, and make a life-changing connection.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Learn more at

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