When prescription drugs are no longer relieving your arthritis or back pain, maybe it’s time you tried something else. Maybe something that has been giving relief to countless people all over the world for thousands of years. Like acupuncture.If you’re in or near Olivenhain, the Center for Advanced Medicine is inviting you to try this time-honored and effective method of pain relief, so you can experience its lasting benefits for yourself.By relieving blocked energy and restoring flow and balance to the body, acupuncture encourages the body to heal itself and correct impaired body function.Derived from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is centered on the idea of restoring balance in the body by unblocking energy flow, or “qi”. It involves inserting extremely thin needles into specific points that lie along a system of twelve meridian lines. These stimulate sensory nerves and muscles, causing the body to release natural pain-relieving substances such as endorphins.Acupuncture is known to relieve muscle spasms, chronic pain, migraines, joint aches, dental pain, and post-surgery pain. It can also aid with fatigue, dizziness, substance addiction, ulcers, and PMS, among other ailments.In the initial session, the center will conduct a physical examination and review your medical history to assess your health.During the procedure, needles will be inserted just underneath your skin or deeper into the muscle, depending on the target region. Once placed, they are left in position for up to 45 minutes to release tension and blocked energy. While the needles are sharp, they are so thin that you’ll hardly feel a thing.The number of treatments you’ll need will depend on the severity of the pain and your body’s response.But that’s not all.Several other treatment options are available at the Center for Advanced Medicine, including various forms of massage, chelation therapy for heavy metal poisoning, thermography, chiropractic care, and microcurrent therapy. They also offer a complete sauna detox program to help your body remove toxins and chemicals.With many years of experience, the staff at the center pride themselves on helping patients with complicated and challenging health issues and improving their quality of life.One satisfied patient said, “I am so thankful for the Center for Advanced Medicine! Dr. Fogleman has helped our oldest son with a foot problem, our youngest daughter with headaches and back pain, and my mother after a fall.”You don’t have to live with pain. With a few pinpricks, you can get the lasting relief that you’ve been yearning for!Go to the link in the description to book your appointment today!