Find The Best Eating Disorder Private Coaching For Women Over 40 In Salem, OR

Jan 9, 2023

If you’re a middle-aged woman who is struggling with binge eating or emotional eating, Kat Pratt Coaching wants to help. Uncover negative patterns and end your toxic relationship with food!

Find The Best Eating Disorder Private Coaching For Women Over 40 In Salem, OR

Are you struggling to resist the call of the fridge? If your relationship with food is starting to become toxic, Kat Pratt Coaching can help you let go and heal.

The Salem-based coach is helping women, particularly those over 40, develop the skills they need to curb food cravings and end emotional eating.

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Eating disorders are often overlooked when it comes to middle-aged women. However, studies estimate that 13% of women over the age of 40 have an eating disorder. For many, these eating disorders have been lifelong afflictions, but in a growing number of cases, major life events such as divorces, illnesses, menopause, or deaths of friends and family are precipitating these maladies.

Binge eating, in particular, has seen a significant rise in recent years. Healthline estimates that 2.8 million people in the United States have binge eating disorder (BED). During binge eating periods, you lose control over the quantity and quality of food you are eating, often resulting in feelings of guilt, shame, and depression.

Kat Pratt Coaching’s live group classes address a variety of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and body dysmorphia, but the main focus is binge eating. The classes unravel some of the misconceptions about food and delve into the emotional ties you may have with food that lead to self-sabotage.

The classes will also provide you with holistic healing tools so you can reach your goals and enrich your life. One such tool is the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. This technique involves tapping meridian points on your body with your fingertips to restore energy balance and relieve symptoms associated with a negative experience or emotion.

You can learn more about these classes by scheduling a Clarity Call with Kat Pratt. The Clarity Calls are private 30-minute 1-on-1 consultations used to discuss your thoughts, behaviors, life goals, and more, and to decide whether the group classes are a good fit for you.

Kat Pratt is a life coach who specializes in alternative healing and spiritual counseling modalities to get you where you want to be. She is quick to mention that what she offers isn’t therapy, but actionable techniques to help you improve your quality of life.

A satisfied client said: “I have been struggling with emotional eating for most of my life. While I realize that there are many pieces to solving this puzzle, Kat has helped me with some of the most important pieces. She has helped me work through difficult and traumatic experiences from my past that have been long-standing emotional eating triggers.”

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