Five Tips from Pensacola Cleaning Company to Clean Carpets Like a Professional

Jan 4, 2022

Pensacola Cleaning Company offers its top tips for expert-level residential carpet cleaning. The local residential cleaning company shares five simple cleaning tips for homeowners to extend the beauty and longevity of carpets, area rugs, and furniture upholstery.

Five Tips from Pensacola Cleaning Company to Clean Carpets Like a Professional

How to extend the lifespan of your carpets?

Carpets are one of the most important aspects of any home. They provide comfort, warmth, and a nice place for your family to gather together. Unfortunately, however, they can also become a haven for dust, allergens, mold spores, and other irritants. 

These issues can lead to unsightly stains and marks or unpleasant odors, but they are also harmful to the integrity of your carpet. Regular carpet cleanings from a professional cleaning service will help prevent these problems from happening. They also make your carpets look nicer and last longer!

Cleaning Tips to Increase Your Carpet's Lifetime from the Experts at Pensacola Cleaning Company

1. Make Vacuuming a Habit

Vacuuming is one of those things that can tend to go overlooked, especially when we get busy running a household. It's one of those "out of sight, out of mind" issues. When we can't visibly see the dirt and debris on the carpet's surface, we tend to forget about it.

But the truth is that these carpet contaminants don't just sit on the surface - instead, they can become embedded in the carpet's fibers, which will slowly weaken and break the carpet fibers. Vacuuming at least once a week will help remove abrasive materials from your carpet fibers, which can significantly slow your carpet's aging process.

2. Take Your Shoes Off

Sometimes after a long day, you may want to walk through your door and go straight to the kitchen or sofa. However, Pensacola Cleaning Company carpet cleaning professionals recommend taking the time to remove your shoes first to reduce carpet discoloration that happens over time, especially in high-traffic areas.

Also, having a no-shoe policy in the house will let others know that you are concerned with preserving your carpets as much as possible. When your house guests know that keeping your carpets clean is something you take seriously, they will be more likely to exercise caution when moving about the house.

Have you ever been to someone's house where they asked you to remove your shoes before coming inside? You probably noticed that their carpets were in much better shape than what you might typically see!

3. Clean Stains Right Away!

Unfortunately, we all know that accidents happen. But when they happen to your carpet, it can sometimes be a pretty tough fix. That's why it is always a good idea to keep several different kinds of spot cleaners and stain removal products on hand for different types of spills and stubborn stains. Treating these spots right away will have a huge impact on how well you'll be able to remove the stain.

If you spill something on your carpet, you can use a towel or cloth to remove excess liquid by pressing the towel down firmly on the stain and allowing it to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. Avoid moving the towel in a scrubbing motion, as this can work the stain deeper into the carpet or spread it around.

Once the excess liquid has been removed, treat it immediately with a high-quality liquid spot cleaner. This will surround and absorb the stain, making it easier to remove. However, our carpet cleaning experts recommend avoiding the use of harsh chemicals, as these can sometimes be toxic to children and pets.

4. Rearrange the Furniture

Periodically rearranging your furniture doesn't only improve your home's "feng shui." It will also change the way you move around the house, which will spread out the normal wear and tear from high-traffic areas, preserving a more uniform appearance.

Keep in mind that if you are going to rearrange your living room or other carpeted areas, you may want to consider inserting some plastic sliders underneath the legs of your heavier furniture. When a heavy piece of furniture is left in one place for an extended period of time, its weight can cause indentations in the carpet padding, which can be next to impossible to remove. Placing large plastic sliders underneath your furniture will help disperse its weight, minimizing the appearance of these indentations.

5. Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned by Pensacola Cleaning Company

One of the best ways to extend the lifespan of your carpets is to have them professionally cleaned on a regular basis. A professional carpet cleaner will remove stains and materials that are difficult to get rid of with vacuuming alone. Professional carpet cleaning services use specialized equipment to extract dirt and debris from your carpet, which means it will have a much more visible effect on the overall appearance of your carpets. This can make a huge difference in restoring your carpets to their original color, especially after a big holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Pensacola pet owners should schedule professional carpet and rug cleanings for a thorough cleaning more regularly than those who do not keep animals in the house. This is because pets will not only track things in from outside, but they can also carry a significant amount of dirt in their fur. And when they lie on the floor, the natural oils from their hair can cause the soil to stick to your carpet fibers, resulting in discoloration and unpleasant pet odor.

Another benefit of hiring a professional carpet cleaning service is that their equipment will not only clean but sanitize your carpets, killing germs and bacteria with steam cleaning and antimicrobial carpet cleaners.

What is the Lifespan of Carpet?

A carpet's lifespan depends on several factors, such as how well the initial installation was performed and how frequently the carpet is cleaned. Of course, the most significant factor is the quality of the material used to make the carpet, but that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do to preserve your home's carpeting.

Even with lesser quality carpets, regular maintenance performed by cleaning professionals will significantly increase the lifespan of your carpet by a matter of years. With that being said, carpeting will typically last anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

Final Thoughts

What we've covered in this article is by no means a comprehensive guide to cleaning and maintaining your carpets, but we know from our experience that observing some of these simple steps can have a significant impact on your carpet's longevity. So try practicing some of these tips, and we're sure you will see a difference in the appearance and feel of your carpets.

As we've mentioned previously, one of the most important things you can do to protect your carpet and extend its life is to have it professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Pensacola Cleaning Company is a professional carpet, floor, and upholstery cleaning business that services the greater Pensacola, FL area - from Belmont-DeVilliers and East Hill to Gonzalez and Pace and other surrounding areas.

If you want to have your carpets cleaned by a group of professionals you know you can trust, then be sure to contact us for a free estimate.

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