Fort Collins Spiritual Store Offers Crystal Jewelry With Citrine & Aquamarine

Mar 1, 2024

Tired of searching for “crystal shops near me” and coming up empty? Now you can find the metaphysical and spiritual items you need at The Haven, Metaphysical Health Store in Fort Collins, CO (970-286-2097).

For centuries, we have used crystals to heal our spirits and ward off any negative energy. But how do you maintain your balance when you’re outside? Easy, by wearing crystal jewelry that protects you even when you’re on the go.

Looking for some beautiful birthstone jewelry? Check out the Haven’s newest collection at

Many ancient cultures believed that crystals have healing properties. And rather than simply placing them all around the home, people used to bring their crystals with them so that they would feel safe no matter where they went!

Bring home a healing crystal of your own

As part of its jewelry collection, The Haven offers pieces featuring aquamarine and citrine, two popular birthstones that are said to bring healing and remove negative energy.

The gemstone jewelry is made with authentic crystals and can be worn for both casual and formal settings. The team at The Haven says that citrine jewelry is often paired with clothes in varying shades of blue, while aquamarine jewelry contrasts well with orange-toned items. Regardless, each statement piece adds just the right amount of elegance to any outfit.

Experience magic

Citrine is the November birthstone, but it is also recommended for anyone who wants to add playfulness to their lives with the stone’s bright yellow, happy hue. Aquamarine, on the other hand, is the March birthstone and is said to evoke peace and calmness in the wearer. Both stones can be worn together to help you feel a gentle type of happiness. 

And don’t worry! You don’t need to be born in either November or March to wear these stones! While wearing your birthstone jewelry can serve as a reminder of your identity, you can wear any stone you resonate the most with.

As a general rule, the perfect crystal for you is the one that feels “right”. Explore the shop and select the item that you just connect with!

Nourish your body

Aside from crystal jewelry, the shop also offers natural body products from Humble and bath bombs from Gnat and Bee. Both brands take pride in their plant-based items and only use natural ingredients for all their products. For example, the “Gypsy Rose” bath bomb by Gnat and Bee is made with pink grapefruit and a hint of patchouli for a relaxing and meditative bath. This item can be paired with Humble’s rose and frankincense hand cream to lock in the rose scent while moisturizing your hands.

Check out the collection at

Feed your mind

The Haven is dedicated to promoting the spiritual, physical, and mental wellness of residents in Fort Collins. It believes that you need to live well to be well, and the first step in this journey is practicing mindfulness techniques and exploring various metaphysical topics. As such, the spiritual shop also offers regular shadow work sessions and tarot readings. It also celebrates important astrological events such as the Spring Equinox. 

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