Free Calculator announced to estimate savings from recurring ACH processing

Feb 4, 2019

ACH Payments announces new ACH savings calculator. This tool calculates estimated using ACH Processing versus credit cards for recurring payments. Learn more at

  • free calculator announced to estimate savings from recurring ach processing
  • free calculator announced to estimate savings from recurring ach processing
  • free calculator announced to estimate savings from recurring ach processing announces a new ACH savings calculator . This new tool calculates estimated savings using ACH Processing versus credit cards for recurring payments.

Most businesses that process recurring transactions count as credit cards as their processing vehicle, what they don’t count on is the significant cost of processing credit cards, and the prevalence of payment reject and/or declines.

For businesses considering ACH Processing the calculator allows you to input data to project payment processing monthly savings. The calculator is free to use and we encourage any recurring payments based business to take advantage of this tool.

Processing credit card recurring payments eats up average of 2.5-3+% or more of the merchant’s margin. This hit to the bottom line can be difficult for businesses, especially those in competitive commoditized industries.

In contrast that same $100 transaction typically costs a flat 30 cents or less as a Recurring ACH Payment, saving you save $2.20 or more per customer payment.

Utilizing ACH Processing instead of credit card processing with 500 customers could save your business over $10k per year.

CEO Wayne Akey said “Any business with recurring payment needs MUST consider ACH Processing as a payment collection tool. Our new calculator provides a simple way to gauge expected savings compared to credit cards”.

In addition to costs savings ACH processing decline rates can significantly less than credit cards. Data breaches, reissued, lost/stolen cards, and EMV implementation all contribute to a credit card decline rate that routinely exceeds 10-15%. Imagine having 500 clients that are billed on a monthly basis via credit cards. When this business above bills these 500 clients, 75 or so payments might decline. This can result in a revenue shortage of $7500/month or $90k per year.

Effort and energy will be made to rebill but you can count on 3 things:




Contrast this with the ACH world. How many times in the past five years have you changed your bank account? And how many new credit cards?

You can see why decline rates are much lower, typically averaging around 2%. 15% versus 2%—This is a BIG reason why an ACH Payment option is a MUST HAVE for recurring billers. Businesses can choose from an ACH Virtual Terminal or integrate a custom solution using an ACH API.

ACH Payments welcomes comments and questions from readers, in relation to the article, as they are intent on getting developer input on what is important to them in a payments partner.

Anyone who has a specific question about a past, present, or future article can contact the team via their website at

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