Social workers, physical therapists, psychologists, and other clinicians need to know that their clients on SSI or SSDI can return to work gradually and have free professional assistance in finding employment every step of the way!
Paula Viellet, CEO and Founder of My Employment Options (MEO) (, a Social Security Administration Employment Network, is putting out the word to social workers, case managers, therapists, physical and occupational therapists, psychiatrists, and others who work with men and women receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI.). Job seekers on SSDI or SSI are eligible to return to work gradually and with built-in safety nets and work incentives that can help protect their disability payments and medical insurance (Medicare or Medicaid) when they start working again - thanks to the free Ticket to Work Program!
"Social workers, nurse clinicians, doctors, and therapists of every variety know the extraordinary benefits that working can bring, in regard to their clients' self-esteem, mood, energy, and cognitive abilities,” Vieillet said. "However, at times, professionals may be hesitant to motivate clients to return to work because of the fear of clients losing their SSDI or SSI benefits just because they start working. This is the best government program out there! It truly changes lives every day! It allows job seekers on SSDI or SSI to not have to go it alone and have moral support and guidance. We don't just help our clients find a job--we help them find suitable employment and can keep in touch with them and guide them for up to 6 years. Many of our own staff have been on SSDI or SSI and have a disability, so we can relate to our clients in a unique way.”
Many of the jobs available to those who are currently receiving SSDI or SSI payments are "Work from Home" jobs that allow those who are hired to work remotely. That opens up the job market to those who would otherwise have a good deal of trouble commuting or who have issues with anxiety in unfamiliar environments.
"I know how gratifying it can be for counselors and therapists to see their clients return to work," Vieillet said. "We're doing what we can to let them know how simple it really can be to make a job part of a realistic plan for so many people, whether struggling with physical or psychological challenges, or both. We also help our clients on SSDI or SSI find jobs in the local community."
The process of therapists and clinicians helping their clients receive the free help of the Ticket to Work Program and MEO is simple. Clients can be directed to to apply online or can call 800-441-3114 ext 754 to ask questions.