Free window replacements could be within your reach, all thanks to the Weatherization Assistance Program. Such initiatives are perfect for Pennsylvania seniors – let Elevated Remodeling ((800) 672-8519) tell you why!
Nobody should have to choose between freezing at home in the Pennsylvania winters and paying sky-high heating bills. Yet, that’s exactly the situation many are facing throughout the Keystone State.
Don’t worry - the government understands your plight, which is why it’s created several programs that may be of interest. Chief among them? The Weatherization Assistance Program. Elevated Remodeling is an expert on this matter, and after reading its report, you will be too.
The program has been established to help make home improvements more readily available - and affordable. That’s great news for homeowners like you!
You can thank recent environmental initiatives for this program. Nowadays, there’s every reason to incentivize the implementation of eco-friendly home adjustments - after all, our planet may depend on it! We need to reduce our carbon emissions, and that means fixing our heating usage.
And yet - what else can we do but try to warm up our homes when it’s cold? New windows could well be the solution from an energy perspective.
“Pennsylvania supports energy-efficient practices by incentivizing some home improvement projects through the Weatherization Assistance Program,” explains Elevated Remodeling. “Its main goal is to increase energy efficiency in homes, reducing the environmental impact of energy consumption and contributing to a more sustainable future.”
Energy-efficient windows are built to stop heat from escaping your home - so it’s no wonder they’re in high demand. Luckily, there’s an easy way to get them fitted for free. Seniors and low-income households are given priority as part of the Weatherization Assistance Program, so it’s definitely worth exploring.
And that’s not all. Elevated Remodeling also outlines alternative options that you may find intriguing, ranging from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to the PECO Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) and others. These plans are designed to reduce the burden of high energy bills - covering certain insulation improvements while offering financial relief in the form of grants!
Read the report to get familiar with the eligibility criteria for the aforementioned programs, checking your suitability at a glance. What’s more, Elevated Remodeling is ready to help you address your utility bills by fitting ENERGY STAR-certified replacement windows - the same types as those typically installed as part of the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Elevated Remodeling knows that whole-house improvements are crucial in the fight against soaring energy costs. That’s why its team can also install insulated siding, roofs, and doors.
Check out its website to view a gallery showcasing the company’s prior projects - and your Pennsylvania home could be next on its list.
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