Frisco Dental Clinic Sleep Apnea Appliances Help You Breath Easy With No Snoring

Mar 4, 2023

Struggling to keep yourself awake at work or behind the wheel? See the dental team at Frisco-based Millennium Smiles to learn if your snoring or daytime fatigue is being caused by obstructive sleep apnea.

Frisco Dental Clinic Sleep Apnea Appliances Help You Breath Easy With No Snoring

Your snoring is not only ruining your partner’s sleep; it could cause you to develop some serious long-term health problems. Now everyone can get the rest they deserve because Millennium Smiles offers the latest diagnosis and treatment tools for obstructive sleep apnea.

Some other things that may suggest you have obstructive sleep apnea include restless sleep, feeling super tired all day, having trouble concentrating, or having big mood swings. Investigating a little further is now really easy because this advanced clinic uses cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to see if narrow airways are the cause of your problems.

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Millennium Smiles’ latest OSA treatments include fitted oral appliances, which offer you a more comfortable and reliable option than products you might have seen online. The goal of the clinic’s enhanced services is to increase OSA diagnosis and treatment rates, helping to prevent some of the more serious health problems you could develop.

Mayo Clinic, one of the country’s most respected medical centers, explains that obstructive sleep apnea can be a serious condition leading to several complications. These include high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attacks and/or strokes. Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and liver problems are also linked with OSA.

Millennium Smiles states that assessment in a sleep lab is the most definitive way to see if you have OSA. However, CBCT scans provide a convenient first stage of screening before you’re referred to a more in-depth investigation. The multi-stage approach is intended to increase diagnosis rates, while also making sure that you only have a sleep lab assessment if it’s justified.

Millennium Smiles continues to offer continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machines as an effective treatment option if you have OSA. However, the practice notes that some people have trouble using the devices, and professionally fitted oral appliances provide you with several alternative options.

About Millennium Smiles

Working from its Main Road and Lebanon Road clinics, Millennium Smiles is one of the most advanced dental centers in the wider Frisco region. In addition to obstructive sleep apnea, the practice also offers diagnostics and treatment for temporomandibular joint disorders, which can have a relationship with OSA.

“From the moment I made my appointment, everything was a positive experience,” one patient recently stated. “The staff in the office are kind, bubbly, and helpful. I love the education part of appointments and being walked through each task. I even got a hot towel after my cleaning, which was such a nice touch.”

See the team at Millennium Smiles to learn if you suffer from OSA and discover how much better life is when you have effective treatment.

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