If you need to make sure your tailings storage facilities comply with regulations, there are no better people for the job than the geotechnical engineering experts at Geotheta. Call them at +27-10-006-2292 to learn more.
Tailings and waste storage facilities are essential parts of any mining operation. A failed facility would have absolutely devastating consequences for the environment, which is why it’s important to have one that works and actually continues working. Of course, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that much… On the other hand, actually designing proper waste management for mining operations is a science that requires highly specialized knowledge. Luckily, Geotheta can offer the kind of expertise and experience you need to comply with regulations and keep your mining operations safe.
Visit https://www.geotheta.com/ to learn more.
So, what can you expect when you work with this geotechnical consultancy? Well, Geotheta can provide you with a range of tailings storage facility (TSF) services, including design, construction, and management.
Basically anything that has to do with waste management is on the table. With extensive experience in the global engineering and mining industries, its team of professional engineers and scientists can design for mineral residue and all deposition methods, including cycloning, day-wall, paste, filtered, and dry-stacked - ensuring facilities remain stable and will not pollute the environment.
The firm can also offer dam break modelling and assessments and GISTM gap analysis to help your company develop risk-reduction strategies and achieve fully auditable compliance.
Furthermore, Geotheta is capable of Engineer of Record surveillance according to global industry standards and can monitor facilities throughout their lifetime. Its principal engineers, Ian Hammond and Mike Abbott, each have over 30 years of experience in TSF design, construction, commissioning, and closures.
By the way, they have also participated on independent review boards for multinational mining companies, allowing them to offer third-party review services for operations as well.
“We are tailings experts who assist you in managing your mine waste effectively and sustainably,” says Abbott. “We achieve state-of-the-art facilities by applying our professional design and monitoring skills, and we have the knowledge and experience you need to keep your tailings facility compliant with required legislation.”
Additionally, Geotheta employs technical and administrative staff and specialist consultants on a project-by-project basis. As a result, they can provide return water dam design, light civil structural design, construction site supervision, and coastal engineering, among other services, depending on the project’s requirements and the climate and geography of the region.
And you can be assured that they’ll do a good job. That’s because Geotheta has been active in the global mining and geotechnical industry since its founding in 2015. The firm has completed over 107 design projects in the past two years; its most recent projects include an alternate Class C containment barrier for two TSFs in Free State and a trade-off study for a coal discard facility in Mpumalanga.
No matter what kind of geotechnical engineering services you need, Geotheta will be able to exceed your expectations. Don’t cut any corners with tailings storage and waste disposal; go for the best of the best with Geotheta.
Visit https://www.geotheta.com/our-team/ to learn more about the experts on their team.