
Get Action Figure NFTs With Masters Of The Bitcoin Collection, Coming May 2022

May 7, 2022

Explore the Metaverse and invest in the exciting world of NFTs courtesy of Meta-Builders. Read a new report on MOTBTC’s May 2022 Launch and find out how you can get involved.

Get Action Figure NFTs With Masters Of The Bitcoin Collection, Coming May 2022

Want to find out about the latest developments in the NFT world and the Metaverse? Get ready for Masters Of The Bitcoin's May 2022 Launch!

Meta-Builders' report, in conjunction with Smart's Newsletter, gives you the inside track on the upcoming launch of Masters Of The Bitcoin's (MOTBTC) unique digital collectibles. The collection is etched and immutable on the WAX blockchain and features only 21,000 hand-drawn action figure NFTs.

Put the fun back into Non-Fungible Tokens with MOTBTC and Meta-Builders. To find out more, and to read the guide in full, click here: https://smart752.substack.com/p/nft-action-figures-are-here-motbtc?utm_source=twitter&s=w

The report explores the Teddy Warlord universe, a parallel dimension in which the MOTBTC characters live. It also profiles the artistic genesis of the project and its creators. If you're an aspiring NFT investor, you can acquire your own custom packaged action figure NFT if you collect 30 of the MOTBTC NFTs.

According to Investopedia, NFTs are cryptographic assets that, unlike normal cryptocurrencies, cannot be exchanged or traded at equivalency. Each NFT has a unique identification code and metadata that distinguishes it from other such entities. They can also represent real-world assets such as artwork, real estate, and personal identities.

According to the article, MOTBTC is the work of artists James R Patterson and David FOOX. The pair first collaborated on the poster for the cryptocurrency documentary Bit x Bit. The Masters Of The Bitcoin project has initiated collaborations with crypto celebrities and influencers such as Kenn Bosak, Goddess Rennell, Jeremy Gardner, and Tone Vayes.

The complete collection of MOTBTC Packaged Action Figures will be released in May 2022. They will be available on the WAX network, delivered to your WAX wallet, and echoed by Atomic Hub. Plans are also being made to integrate the MOTBTC project further into the Metaverse so you can use the figures as virtual avatars across numerous worlds.

About Meta-Builders

The company was formed to help companies create their own digital spaces within the Metaverse. Meta-Builders facilitates the creation and running of successful NFT projects. The team is made up of artists, promoters, virtual builders, and NFT specialists.

The report says, “Masters Of The Bitcoin isn’t just any old NFT project created on a whim, The artwork involved in this project has been in the works for years and the artists have been working for free to create value way before they launched a project.”

Get your very own custom packaged action figure NFT. More details at https://www.mastersofthebitcoin.com

For the latest buzz on the blockchain, you can trust Meta-Builders.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and it should not be treated as such. This content is the opinion of a third party and this site does not recommend that any specific cryptocurrency should be bought, sold, or held, or that any crypto investment should be made. The Crypto market is high risk, with high-risk and unproven projects. Readers should do their own research and consult a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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