
Get Branded Multimedia For Medspas: DFY Blog, Podcast & Video Marketing, London

Jan 24, 2025

Marketing a medspa is easy – you just need to know where customers are looking, and it’s not at the ads. MedFire Media specialises in getting the word out about your studio, without using ads, sponsored ad banners, or expiry dates.

When you're looking to go to a new medspa, tell me, which are you more likely to listen to - a giant billboard ad, or a recommendation from a friend?

Ask nearly anyone, and they'll listen to their friends over an ad, any day. Now, what if I told you, you could be that friend? Maybe not exactly, I'm not expecting you to meet every customer and befriend them first - but there is a way to approach them in a more friendly way, right from the start. MedFire Media does that - you can check them out at https://medfiremedia.clientcabin.com/proposal

The one-sentence explanation is simple - instead of making ads for your medspa, they make blogs, podcasts, videos, and so much more.

MedSpa Marketing, Like Magic

Medspas are growing in popularity around the world, but if you're having trouble bringing in new clients, you're not alone.

Here's the thing - with a medspa, most clients don't follow the traditional route of seeing a commercial on TV, and then coming in for a visit. It's a bit more personal.

They're more likely to listen to a friend, or if they don't have a friend with a good suggestion, to a friendly face on the internet. Really, they're likely to listen to anything that isn't an ad, because... well, look around.

We're so oversaturated with ads, they're absolutely everywhere, all the time - and we've all learned to ignore them as a defense mechanism.

Cue Content Creation

So what do you do when ads are no good? That's easy - you give the people what they want, instead, of course.

In this case, it happens to be a simple ask, all they want is friendly, informal, effective, and free advice, and we can offer that. More specifically, a content creation expert can offer that, by building all the information they need into quick blogs, funny podcasts, streaming videos, press releases, infographics, or even slideshows.

If that sounds like it's casting a pretty broad net, sending out on the internet at large, that would be true - but every single campaign includes hyper-targeting, which is absolutely essential to find local, actively interested customers. In short, it makes sure that your content is showing up for local searchers, instead of for someone halfway around the world.

It's All On Easy Mode

The entire process is handled in-house, by MedFire Media specialists, including a team of writers, editors, producers, and media specialists. This is great, because if you've got a business to run, you don't want to be spending all your time on marketing - you just want it done.

Sure, you'll be encouraged to submit suggestions for topics, headlines, keywords, products, or services you want to highlight, but you will never be asked to write your own content, record your own media, or host the finished products.

Simple Strategy, Cumulative Benefits

This is where things get really interesting - and by interesting I mean beneficial, so buckle up.

As each new set of content is completed, it will be available for you to review, suggest changes, and approve, before it becomes publicly available online. Once the content is approved and becomes publicly accessible, it will be indexed by the search engine algorithms, which will find each piece is unique, interesting, and trustworthy.

Since each content piece is crafted with links back to your website, this shows the search algorithms that you should be ranked higher in the search results. That's not all though, each new content piece also helps other content pieces, and your main website, to climb higher in the rankings. Every step lifts your links a little higher, and keeps you there.

These benefits are cumulative and long-term, unlike traditional advertising.

MedFire Media will never use “Sponsored Ad” banners, captive audience tactics, or “pay-per-click” fees. All content created by the MedFire Media team is 100% organic, requiring no ad banners, expiry dates, or recurring fees. It's just the good stuff.

If you want to rank higher, for more keywords, or in more areas, all you have to do is run another campaign. There's no limit, and the benefits are cumulative, without ever expiring.

It sounds to me like the sky is the limit, but I'm willing to try to reach even higher, as long as it's all Done-For-Me.

Check it out for yourself, as long as you are not my competition - all the facts you need are at https://medfiremedia.clientcabin.com/proposal

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