Losing your faculties is a frightening thing to experience in old age. Get the help you need to help manage dementia, Alzheimer’s and other memory care issues. Come and join the assisted living community at The Meadows of Fall River. (920-484-6171)
Looking for an amazing assisted living community that can give specialist dementia, Alzheimer's and memory care? Live life to the full even in your later years at The Meadows of Fall River!
The latest move by The Meadows of Fall River provides compassionate and affordable care for senior citizens, promoting independence and stimulation through a range of therapeutic and social programs. The community offers you state-of-the-art one-bedroom apartments in the beautiful countryside close to Columbus, WI.
Stay alert, stay active, and stay healthy with dedicated care and activity programs at The Meadows of Fall River. More details at https://www.themeadowscare.com
The announcement details an expanded range of dedicated care solutions for retirees and those in their twilight years. The Meadows of Fall River provides residents with a team of trained care professionals, qualified nurses, and domestic support staff – all on hand 24 hours a day.
According to The Wisconsin Aging Statistics and Resource Guide, over 23% of the state's population is over 60 years of age. Within this demographic, 11.7% of seniors live alone and there are approximately 120,000 individuals who are living with dementia, Alzheimer's and other memory care issues. While Wisconsin has above-average property taxes which makes life costlier for the elderly, the state is also renowned for its high standards of senior care.
You can benefit from the community's acclaimed memory care program. This includes management of medications, a team highly trained in dealing with challenging behaviors, nutritional and dietary support, and round-the-clock monitoring for the most vulnerable patients.
Daily activities are organized for you along with community outings and three home-cooked meals per day. The Meadows of Fall River has created a welcoming, comfortable space in which you or your loved ones can live out their final years with dignity.
The community also provides therapeutic exercise classes, foot care consultations from a licensed podiatrist, pet therapy, musical entertainment, bingo, and craft activities. Each care plan is tailored to the needs of individual residents and is continually adapted in response to your evolving condition.
About The Meadows of Fall River
Overseen by manager Kim Wrangell – a Fall River resident for over 20 years – the community team brings expertise and empathic care services to all of its clients. The Meadows of Fall River is committed to helping seniors make the most of life and provides much-needed support for families who are unable to carry the burden of caring for aging parents alone.
A spokesperson says, “We are committed to providing all the comforts of home in a caring community setting. We strive to preserve dignity while ensuring individual needs are met.”
With its latest service updates for residents with Alzheimer's, The Meadows of Fall River affirms its reputation as Wisconsin's premier assisted living community.
Grow old gracefully in the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. Find out more here: https://www.themeadowscare.com
Whether you're looking for companionship, community, medical care, or expert dementia and Alzheimer's support, you'll find it all at The Meadows of Fall River.