Stop paying extortionate processing fees every time a customer pays with their card! Check out how KickFees can save you money and boost your profits today.
Are you sick of paying unpredictable processing fees on card transactions? Does it seem unfair that you have to pay such high fees for something that is essential to your business? If you answered yes, then you need to check out KickFees!
Imagine being able to accept unlimited payments without having to pay processing fees. Sounds like a dream, right? KickFees has turned this dream into reality with their Fee Defender Technology.
Go to to find out more and talk 1 on 1 with a qualified representative.
The company's Fee Defender Technology gives you a high-quality alternative to expensive payment systems traditionally offered by financial institutions. With KickFees you can finally stop handing over your hard-earned cash each time someone pays with a card.
Ever wondered why you have to pay such high processing fees? It's because established banking institutions and card brands like Visa and MasterCard use this money to fund gifts and high value reward programs for their customers. That's right. Your profits are being eaten up so you can send someone on a vacation or fund a new set of headphones. Recently, this practice has come under fire with Visa and MasterCard being called upon to testify at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing after being accused of running a duopoly.
You can view the hearing by clicking here
Now that you're thoroughly annoyed, let me present you with the solution. The company’s newly released Fee Defender payment software uses a unique dual pricing model, wherein business owners can seamlessly offer (2) two prices for goods and services; a card price and a cash price. Exactly like businesses in the petroleum industry have been doing since the early 2000's. This allows the businesses to avoid unnecessary price hikes on all customers, by always offering their best most competitive cash price.
Besides their payment platform, KickFees has a wide selection of payment hardware to fit your storefront, restaurant, or office. One available payment system is the SWIFT Mobile Card Reader, a sleek device that can be easily connected to your smartphone or tablet.
You can pick from a range of software and hardware packages to meet the specific needs of your business. KickFees even has packages that are designed for different industries, so whether you're in retail, healthcare, beauty, trade, or food and beverage - you'll be covered.
Like what you've heard so far? Then book a live demo today! Go to
KickFees has become an industry leader in affordable point of sale solutions for merchants across the country. The company is committed to coming up with innovative payment solutions for merchants across the country.
A spokesperson said: “We are focused on providing our customers with a high-quality experience built around honesty, product knowledge, and deeply rooted industry expertise (since the mid '90s). KickFees aims to offer a superior payment platform that not only out-performs the competition but eliminates a major expense for all its customers.”
KickFees is the payments software company you can rely on! Check out their website to find out how you can use their products and services today.
Check out the viral sensation payments superhero Fee Defender by clicking here.