
Get Ketamine For Depression & Inflammation and Pain Reduction In Dartmouth MA

Oct 18, 2023

If you’re feeling low, struggling with stress, or falling continually ill, ketamine infusions could be exactly what you need. Call Thrive IV at +1-508-848-8089!

Dr. Pellegrino at Thrive IV can help you manage stress and improve your overall immune response with ketamine infusion therapy. It’s been linked to increased energy, improved sleep, and a strengthened immune system!

Treatments only last between 40 to 60 minutes, and you’ll leave feeling like a whole new version of you! And because every session is customized based on your own individual treatment plan, you know you’re working towards positive change.

Get all the details at https://www.thriveiv.net/

Ketamine is most well-known as a treatment for depression, but the new application centers on reducing your body’s stress response, which has been linked to better overall immune function. Studies have shown that ketamine infusion can enhance the ability to fight infection or disease, offering hope if you feel trapped in a cycle of chronic stress and frequent illness.

The discovery of ketamine’s benefit to the immune system is important because stress is on the rise across the country, with more than three-quarters of adults reporting symptoms. This leaves people more vulnerable to sicknesses, infections, and prolonged recovery times.

The treatment works by influencing the early stages of the immune system’s response. Each administration helps to stop inflammation from worsening and spreading. Small intravenous doses of ketamine have been shown to decrease levels of neutrophils and macrophages, critical actors in the inflammatory process.

Dr. Pellegrino has served the Southeastern Massachusetts area since 1996 and studied the diverse therapeutic benefits of ketamine for years. While administering anesthetic doses of ketamine to thousands of patients, he also witnessed firsthand its psychiatric and pain relief effects at lower infusion levels.

A spokesperson states, “Thrive IV offers the most cost-effective advanced and innovative physician-administered ketamine therapies in New England. Our goal is to provide an environment where you are comfortable, relaxed, and well taken care of. At your appointment, we want to focus on you, the medication infusions, and your recovery.”

Are you ready to take back control and give your body’s immune system the boost it needs? Give ketamine infusion a try today!

Check out https://www.thriveiv.net/ for any extra info you need!

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