Get Non-Surgical Pain Relief Through This Oklahoma City Stem Cell Therapy

Sep 15, 2021

Oklahoma Pain Center offers the advanced pain-relieving stem cell treatments you need – call them at +1-405-752-9600 to find out more!

Are you weary of taking opioid medications for your pain? Get in touch with Oklahoma Pain Center, try their new regenerative therapies and discover why they are the best pain relief remedies you've been searching for!

The new treatments include blood plasma infusions, allograft tissue transplants, exosomes and mesenchymal stem cell therapy.

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The pain clinic's innovative remedies provide you with safe and effective alternatives to traditional cures such as steroids, surgery and medication. Stem cell therapy, also referred to as regenerative therapy, uses your own cells to repair damaged tissue, reduce pain and inflammation.

While still a relatively new practice, the medical technique is gaining popularity among health practitioners and patients due to its non-invasive and organic methodology. Furthermore, the therapy aims to address the root cause of your chronic pain rather than just treating your symptoms.

Oklahoma Pain Center offers exosomes treatment, the latest breakthrough in restorative therapy. It involves exposing your older cells to younger, healthier ones. Introduced into your body intravenously, the new cells encourage old cells to regenerate, heal and stop further deterioration. This is ideal if you are suffering from autoimmune and degenerative muscular, bone, or joint diseases.

The platelet-rich plasma therapy involves re-injecting a concentrated sample of your blood into the site of your injury. The blood is processed through a centrifuge to isolate platelets that help hasten muscle regrowth and recovery.

Amniotic fluid transplant makes use of tissue safely taken from your womb during a cesarean section operation. The immune-privileged substance contains high concentrations of proteins, collagen and cytokines that minimize pain and inflammation. The technique also presents a low risk of transplant rejection.

If you are recovering from an injury, the clinic offers Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) treatment which uses protein and growth factor-rich bone marrow cells to repair your bones, cartilage, muscles, and tendons.

If you suffer from joint pain and osteoarthritis, bursitis or tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, sacroiliac joint pain, and rotator cuff injuries, stem cell regenerative therapy is for you!

According to a satisfied patient, “Oklahoma Pain Center has access to medications that most physicians can't prescribe, and the skills to use them. They have changed my life. If you have been on traditional opiate-based pain management, visit the clinic for better options.”

Call +1-405-752-9600 and ask about their advanced restorative therapies today!

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