
Get Recovery Startup Business ERTC Pandemic Relief Rebate Tax Credits For 2021

May 11, 2022

New businesses founded during the pandemic can use the 15 Minute Refund program from Free Tax Cash to claim their ERTC rebates as a Recovery Startup Business.

Get Recovery Startup Business ERTC Pandemic Relief Rebate Tax Credits For 2021

I recently started a new company producing a unique robot arm that I designed.

It only has one job, and that's swapping out the cartridges on one of the original gaming consoles, the NES.

Now, I've heard it all before, there's no market, it's too expensive, doomed to fail.

But no matter what the critics say, I know it's going to be a game-changer.

Admittedly that's a joke and not a great one, but if I had started a new company in the past few years, I would be eligible for a significant rebate from the government right now, which would certainly help.

Over the last few years, the federal government has created several pandemic relief programs to help individuals and business owners through unexpected financial hardships. One of the lesser-known programs is a recent addition to the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), which you can enroll in using the fast application process from Free Tax Cash.

Visit https://www.freetaxcash.com to learn more!

In 2021, when the American Rescue Plan Act was passed, it added a new category to the ERTC program for businesses that were founded after February 15, 2020. ERTC specialist CPAs partnered with Free Tax Cash to help these businesses to claim up to $100,000 in tax credits as a Recovery Startup Business.

For your new company to be eligible as a Recovery Startup Business, it has to meet a unique set of requirements that differ from the general ERTC program. Aside from being founded after February 15, 2020, your business must have an average of less than $1 million in gross receipts per year and employ one or more employees who are not 50% owners.

The maximum claim amounts are also changed for these companies, allowing you to claim up to 70% of the first $10,000 in wages paid to each eligible employee, per quarter, to a maximum of $50,000 per quarter. Your new business can claim tax credits for wages paid in Q3 and Q4 of 2021.

Free Tax Cash also helps established small to medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations, and startups to claim their rebates, using a fast application process that is only available from a single firm of ERTC specialist CPAs. Called the 15 Minute Refund program, this allows you to complete your claim with audit-proof documentation and a minimum time commitment.

Every claim made using the 15 Minute Refund program is guaranteed to provide the maximum allowable rebate, and there is no charge for any company that is not eligible or does not complete its claim.

You can determine your eligibility using a no-cost, no-obligation assessment tool on the company’s website. The assessment includes 10 simple questions, requires no proprietary business information, and can be completed in approximately one minute.

Whether you're running an established business, a brand new company, or a non-profit organization - if you kept your employees on the payroll through these difficult times, you deserve a little credit. Claim it today in the form of tax rebates.

Visit https://www.freetaxcash.com to learn more about the 15 Minute Refund Program or tax credits for Recovery Startup Businesses.

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