Get Reliable Solutions To Your Aquatic Problems For Lakes & Ponds With DK Environmental

Jan 1, 2018

Lafayette, CA based weed removal experts, DK Environmental, have announced they can help local residents with weed control for their pond or lake. They can control cattails with cutting edge technology.

DK Environmental, the Lafayette, CA based aquatic environment specialist, has announced it can help local clients with all their aquatic weed problems. In addition to water level services, it provides affordable weed removal services and flood control options with a range of amphibious aquatic maintenance equipment available.

Full details can be found at:

For those who use their lakes or ponds for recreation, it’s no fun having it choked with weeds. The experts at DK Environmental specialize in making aquatic weed problems go away, so that people can go back to enjoying their lakes effortlessly.

Weed removal services include water iris removal, bulrush removal, and cattail removal. The expert team can also help with pond weed removal, tule removal, and algae removal, along with pond weed harvesting, sediment removal, dredging and wetland construction.

Cattails can add beauty to a pond, lake or shoreline, and they provide a safe area for small fish to hide from their predators. In addition to this, birds build their nests in them, and they can help to assist in a form of natural erosion control.

Other benefits include providing shade in specific areas of the lake, while also creating a safe haven for bugs and small creatures seeking shelter. However, despite the benefits that come with cattails, it’s important to keep them under control.

Cattails are a very aggressive weed, and new stalks can show up anywhere and in quick fashion. Once the spreading begins, it can be hard to stop the cattails covering too much area.

Experts like DK Environmental can help to control the cattails with a range of options. These include spraying the cattails with herbicide, or using their specialist aquatic equipment. This can provide a more eco friendly way of treating the weeds, and offers high levels of control for the pond or lake.

Full details of the cattail control service and weed removal options provided by DK Environmental can be found on the URL above.

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