Get The Best Affirmations Set To Ambient Music For Health And Wellness

Oct 5, 2021

YouTube channel Magic Mind Meditation releases a new video, “Affirmations for Healthy Habits and Lifestyle”, for all those struggling with themselves in the fight for stronger bodies and minds!

Eating too much? Pretending you don’t have the time to exercise? Worry not!

The new video offers you several gently spoken affirmations relating to physical and mental wellness, set over calming ambient music. The soundtrack provides a complementary background to the verbal affirmations, rather than overpowering them. The video lasts just under five minutes, allowing you to relax and absorb its messages without sacrificing a large amount of time. 

Go to for more information.

Along with the narration and soundtrack, the other prominent feature of the video is its visual component. A series of clips relating to the overall theme are displayed as it progresses, showing actions such as running on a treadmill, jogging along a river, and stretching. Many fruits and health foods are also displayed throughout the video, highlighting bright colors and appealing textures. Those sparkling strawberries and ripe watermelons put fries and donuts to shame!

You probably find it hard to commit to physical routines and eating habits that you know will benefit you. And you’re not alone! With distractions abounding, busy work schedules and social commitments, it can be difficult to consistently attend to your health. The convenience of cheap, easy meals and lazy hours watching television may provide immediate comfort, but can be detrimental to your self-esteem in the long term, leading to negative habit formation.

Experts in the field of mental health often point to positive self-talk as a means of countering negativity in life. The video’s affirmations can be of use to you when struggling with internal blockages and self-defeating interior monologues that prevent you from making beneficial changes to your diet and exercise routine. 

The video’s spoken messages range widely, sometimes focussing on personal attitudes towards food and lifestyle, and other times being more orientated towards metaphysical acceptance. These statements include: “I give myself permission to have perfect health”, “I create good health by talking about and thinking about my wellness”, and “The universe is blessing me with good health.” 

Magic Mind Meditation in a YouTube channel posting regular videos on the topics of mental health, love and attraction, financial success, meditation, manifestation, sleeping, and more. 

A commentator who benefitted from the video said: “These affirmations are fantastic with amazing visuals to match!”

You’ll feel the positive energy glowing from within you after taking the time to absorb these beautiful, empowering thoughts! Your future starts now.

Ready to level up? Go to for the affirmations you need to succeed!

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