Spine And Injury Center has updated its chiropractic treatment for back and neck pain relief if you are suffering from a bulging disc or pinched nerve in San Jose, California.
Are you suffering from back pain due to a bulging disc? Would you like non-invasive treatment to relieve your back and neck pain?
Spine And Injury Center in San Jose, California, has recently updated its chiropractic services for you, including treatments for bulging disc pain, pinched nerves, and spinal decompression.
Visit https://www.spineinjurysj.com for more information.
The updated services from the Spine and Injury Center aim to offer you the benefit of the center’s holistic and non-invasive treatments for back and neck pain in San Jose, California. The services can provide you with pain relief and rehabilitation for a range of spinal conditions.
Back pain caused by issues such as bulging and herniated discs can leave you with debilitating issues such as numbness in your shoulders and extremities, muscle weakness, and difficulty in bending or straightening your back. Treatment of these issues done by chiropractors like those at Spine And Injury Center aims to restore your movement and flexibility while additionally addressing the main cause of your back and neck pain.
The treatments available at the San Jose center are conducted by Dr. Bradley Mouroux, a board-certified member of the Chiropractic Sports Physicians and who has been in practice for over ten years. He is also a certified applied kinesiologist. Dr. Mouroux’s goal for the center is to deliver freedom from pain to patients of all ages so that they can engage in the lifestyle they love.
As specialists in spinal disc conditions, the Spine And Injury Center gives you the benefit of chiropractic services that both treats and promotes the healing of your spinal issues through non-surgical methods. The treatments use gentle traction in order to stretch the vertebrae and provide relief. When speaking of the center’s methods, Dr. Mouroux said, “We resolve acute and chronic injuries due to mechanical spinal disorders, without the use of drugs or surgery.”
The clinic in San Jose, California, can also help if you have been in a motor vehicle accident or need treatment for whiplash. Furthermore, they offer a 20 percent discount for new patients. A video review from one of the clinic’s patients can be seen here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBgEe89VXx0.
Find non-surgical pain relief treatment for your bulging or herniated disc with Spine And Injury Center in San Jose today!
For more information, you can visit the URL mentioned above.