
Get The Best Caregiver Support App To Connect Caregivers & Their Families

May 25, 2022

If you’re one of the millions of caregivers in the US and you’re finding it hard to coordinate the help you need from friends and family, My CareCrew does it all for you. Download the app for free today.

Get The Best Caregiver Support App To Connect Caregivers & Their Families

Are you or a loved one living with cancer? Make your cancer journey a smoother one with the My CareCrew app for patients and caregivers. Download it for free today!

My CareCrew offers an all-in-one app for you to share health updates with friends and family, create wishlists, and coordinate support with chores, transportation, errands and more.

Get the help you need when you need it. Stay connected to your support group of family and friends with the My CareCrew app. More details at https://mycarecrew.co

The app has a symptom tracker feature, enabling you to monitor your health while giving friends and family instant updates on how you're feeling and coping day-to-day.

According to a paper published by the American Cancer Society journal, it is estimated there will be 1.9 million new diagnoses of cancer and over 600,000 related deaths in 2022. It is the second most common cause of death in the US after heart disease. The effects of the disease spread far beyond the debilitating physical symptoms, placing a burden of care on families and healthcare providers in an underfunded system.

As a My CareCrew user, you'll benefit from a Request Help feature, allowing you to reach out to your support network for assistance with everything from childcare to meals. Friends and family members also receive reminders of upcoming requests they have accepted to help with.

Other features of the app include a wishlist, which allows users to receive an alert when family or friends want to send a gift. And allows users to create a list of products, experiences and services they need, want or simply wish for.

Users can add products to their wishlist directly from the My CareCrew online store, which curates products based on recommendations by patients and caregivers. Users can search for items and services relating to cancer treatment side-effect remedies, post-surgery recovery, mindfulness, gifts and much more.

Patients with large circles of family and friends can often be inundated with offers of help and support. The app allows users to choose what offers they wish to accept and when with its Accept Help feature. Other functions include a streamlined in-app chat platform for instant messaging and a journaling function that lets users capture and share their journey with their loved ones.

About My CareCrew

The app can be downloaded without charge from both the App Store and Google Play Store. All user and CareCrew profiles are kept private, and you're always in complete control over who you invite to be part of your CareCrew.

A spokesperson says, “We hope that this app helps make your cancer journey a little easier. For patients by patients!”

My CareCrew is changing the lives of those living with cancer with its innovative app. For more info, go to https://store.mycarecrew.co

Whether you need meals, shopping, transport, or just want to chat with your loved ones, My CareCrew is here for you.

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