You can cancel your subscription to Chiropractor Monthly now – you’ve still got too many back issues, anyway! Instead, call the real superstars at Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine (512-258-4425)!
This clinic has over 250 reviews on Google - all 5-star. Enough said!
They may as well give 'Dr. Bob' a statue!
Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine, led by Dr. Bob Meyer, a consultant for the University of Texas Athletics Program since 1999, combines advanced chiropractic care with cutting-edge technologies and treatments for rehabilitating sports injuries.
Check it out at
The premier sports medicine clinic in Austin, Texas now offers you the treatment you need to heal better and recover faster from debilitating injuries that compromise your mobility and strength - including chronic or acute back pain and neck pain conditions due to spinal injuries.
The sports medicine market in the United States is expected to grow at approximately 7% annually over the next several years, as an increased incidence of sports-related injuries coupled with the rise of effective non-invasive treatments drives the industry. Previously accessible only to professional athletes, sports medicine has now gone mainstream and is easier for most Americans to access, due to broader insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine and ‘Dr. Bob’ - who counts among his patients some of the most recognized professional and collegiate athletes - offers personalized all-body sports injury treatment plans that help you minimize pain and immobility without the need for prescription drugs or surgery. Some of the treatment methods include EPAT shockwave therapy, Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT), and Ortho Gold Tissue Regeneration Therapy (TRT).
EPAT, for example, is a powerful tool for accelerating your body's natural healing process. It is a non-invasive method that uses pressure waves to treat and repair wounds that take a long time to heal or won't heal at all. MyACT is frequently used to treat both acute and ongoing joint, muscle, and tendon pain. The sound waves produced by the MyACT machine come together inside the soft tissue to create an intense quick-pressure pulse that offers therapeutic treatment for hard-to-reach areas.
TRT is a ground-breaking regenerative medicine treatment - a non-invasive, and safe method for treating chronic pain, degenerative disorders, and severe musculoskeletal conditions by stimulating your body’s own healing capabilities and stem cell activity to regenerate damaged tissue.
One patient commented: “Dr. Bob is the absolute best. I’ve tried many chiropractors and therapy for my herniated disc maintenance and nobody compares to him. He’s up to date on all the newest forms of treatment unlike most other chiropractors. His knowledge and understanding of sports injuries is simply the best in town. I’m so happy I found him.”
Trust Dr. Bob. He's got your back!
You can call 512-258-4425 or go to and look at what they've got to offer you, your friends, and your family.