Get The Best E Commerce Customer Acquisition Service App In Lagos Nigeria

Jan 11, 2021

Looking for the best e-commerce development company in Lagos, Nigeria? Contact Offer Service today for the experts who will help you promote your brand and increase sales!

If you’re looking for an effective way to boost your small business sales, the team at Offer Service have the solution for you!

Offer Service, an e-commerce development company in Lagos, Nigeria, announced the launch of their new e-commerce application for local businesses. Within 3 weeks of launching in Lagos, the company has gained nearly 3000 users.

The newly launched e-commerce application at Offer Service aims to help you reach new customers and sell more products online.

Today, increasingly more people are shopping online. Recent census data shows that e-commerce sales have increased by more than 36% during the third quarter of 2020. To compete in this market, small businesses need a professional e-commerce website.

For those looking to launch an online business or expanding their current store, having the right e-commerce platform is crucial. An e-commerce platform helps businesses create their online storefront and gathers the tools they need to run their store in one convenient dashboard.

Offer Service is a professional e-commerce development company that allows businesses to sell their products online and manage their site, business operations, sales and marketing.

By working with Offer Service, you can promote your services online without creating an e-commerce application. You can easily create an e-commerce presence directly on the Offer Service list and start connecting with potential customers from within your state, country, or across the globe.

In addition, the company allows you to promote your events online. You have the option to show your email and phone number to the public, and you can choose to promote your event at state, federal and global level.

More information can be found at

With the recent announcement, the team at Offer Service are dedicated to helping businesses in Nigeria reach and sell to their target customer audience.

A spokesperson for the company said: “We are a bridge that connects registered users to those who might be interested in their Services, Events, or 4Sale items within their local community, state, country, and the global online forum.”

You can find more at the link above.

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