Pandit Dasa, a leading mindfulness expert, has launched a team building program with a difference. It focuses on mindfulness to improve communications, productivity, and employee resilience.
Are you interested in a new approach to team building? Would you like to improve employee wellbeing, productivity, and resilience? Would you like to decrease workplace stress? If you've answered 'yes', this is the team building program you've been waiting for!
Pandit Dasa, a mindful leadership expert and motivational speaker, has launched a new mindfulness team building program to help you increase your team's productivity and resilience, while decreasing workplace stress.
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The newly launched mindfulness team building program is aimed at organizations and managers like yourself who want to improve the wellbeing of their employees, while also increasing productivity. It is suitable for all management levels, companies, teams, and can be tailored to the specific needs of the audience.
Trust is a necessary foundation for success, regardless of the size of your team or organization. Mindful leadership expert, Pandit Dasa, argues that when team members trust each other, they stop worrying about their own individual interests. He explains this in great detail on YouTube, which you can view here
For your team members to be able to appreciate and recognize each other’s contributions, they must focus on the team. Once this happens, each member will be inspired to give more for your team’s success.
Honest and mindful communications can help to foster a supportive environment and atmosphere that allows everyone to stay informed. The process aims to overcome office cliques and politics that enforce barriers.
Mindfulness practices can help you and your team to empathize with each other, thus building stronger bonds. The presentation given by mindfulness expert Pandit Dasa will explore proven methods and techniques that strengthen trust within teams to improve empathy and cooperation.
You will leave understanding the value of what you are saying, how you are communicating, the impact it can have on others, and how it will affect the relationship with the people you are talking with.
A happy manager said: "I joined the organization six months ago and immediately knew there were issues. Daily basis there was miscommunication, misunderstandings, and a total lack of morale. I knew things needed to change and believed we could achieve that by thinking in a different way. Taking a mindful approach has helped everyone come together and think as one, instead of as individuals."
You can visit the website to find out more! Alternatively, you can connect with Pandit Dasa directly via LinkedIn here