Looking for the best leadership skills training session? Check out the new Growth Mindset Program by Jada Jones and discover the tools and resources you need to achieve your goals!
If you want to increase work productivity, these virtual sessions are the solution for you!
Certified professional coach and trainer Jada Jones announced the launch of The Growth Mindset Coaching Program. This new program helps you develop strong leadership skills and communication as well as improve your performance.
In today’s business scene, challenges can arise at any time and being an effective leader means responding to those challenges with intelligence, strategy and expertise. The newly launched program by Jada Jones provides you with the right tools to support your career growth and development.
Sometimes, you might feel stuck and uninspired in your work life. Developing leadership and communication skills can not only provide you with important business opportunities and aid professional development but also helps you develop interpersonal skills. This can also add clarity to a difficult situation and facilitate self-confidence.
Jada Jones is a certified professional coach and trainer under the tutelage of two World Renowned Motivational Speaker, Leader and Author, Dr. Eric Thomas and Dr. John Maxwell, as well as the owner of CILS LLC. She is an experienced personal growth and leadership coach specializing in Women in Leadership, Entrepreneurs and Youth Leadership Development.
Her leadership training sessions average between 45-60 minutes and are packed with highly usable information. The goal of these sessions is to encourage and inspire you to create at least one mind challenging idea that will spark a desire for self-improvement and increased productivity within your personal and professional life.
More information can be found at http://www.jada-jones.com
Throughout the training, you will discover purposeful ways to grow and improve your leadership and communication skills. You will be able to cultivate a mentality that encourages improvement and growth, leave behind old and unproductive habits, and feel engaged, motivated and empowered to perform at your best.
Sessions are 100% free for businesses with 10 or more participants and can be scheduled directly on the website.
Jada said: "I'm driven to position you with unique proprietary techniques, methodologies and human capital experience, which have helped millions of people change their lives forever. I'm here to serve and pour value into helping you position yourself and your organization for greatness!"
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