Get The Best Toronto, ON Early Years Learning Program To Build Confidence & EQ

Jun 9, 2022

Your child’s education should be about more than sums and reading – it should be helping them to grow as people, too. So why not try EYES Child Care (+1-416-564-0731) in Toronto, for a more well-rounded approach?

Get The Best Toronto, ON Early Years Learning Program To Build Confidence & EQ

There are few things as important as your child’s early education. But the basic subjects aren’t always enough to give them the confidence they need to get through life - they need to feel comfortable with themselves, and self-aware too. This is why EYES Child Care takes a more balanced approach, blending fundamental learning with the values and skills that matter later in life.

The child care centre provides you with an educational system that values building each child’s self-confidence and empowering them, alongside teaching them fundamental learning building blocks that will carry them through to later education.

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EYES Child Care’s program is geared toward students in the Greater Toronto Area, offering you the option to choose a childcare centre that offers care and support for your child’s social development in addition to classic education.

EYES, which stands for Early Years Education System, takes the approach that children are more than just children - they will grow up to be adults, and as such should be well-rounded and treated as individual people from an early age. To help turn your kids into upstanding, capable and generous citizens, the program takes a balanced approach to their education, creating a warm and supportive environment that’s family-oriented and pays as much attention to social and emotional needs as it does educational ones.

Nurturing self-esteem and respect as they go, the teachers at the centre encourage your children to develop their own interests as they learn and discover new things. EYES keeps the traditional education curriculum in mind whilst giving children the freedom to grow, and pays particular attention to the individual learning styles of each child in their care in order to adapt their learning so it works for them.

As with most early years education centres, the core subjects at the heart of it all are retained, and students study mathematics, science, literacy and languages as you might expect. However, the teaching techniques the centre takes are more active learning in style and discussion-based - which helps your children to engage on their own and think more independently about the topics.

In addition to basic subjects, your child will also be given the time to develop on their own and allowed to self-regulate according to their need for rest and their need for activity. The EYES curriculum also focuses on encouraging critical thinking in students and provides time for creative pursuits, arts and crafts, singing, sports, and even yoga and meditation as part of children’s daily routines.

EYES Child Care is the early years centre you can rely on to help your child balance education with growing, developing, and becoming a more confident person.

Ready to learn more? Visit to get started.

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