Finances aren’t a lot of fun are they? If you’re constantly in the red and earning decent money seems impossible, it’s time you signed up for Invested Mom – financial coaching for women who want more out of life.
Thinking of going back to work? Want some ideas for additional income streams? Need some fresh approaches to managing debt? You'll find it all at Invested Mom!
This brilliant financial literacy course is aimed at mothers but it's also good for anyone seeking to expand their income opportunities and make the most of their money. Enjoy a relatable and engaging framework through which you can improve your financial prospects. Sign up today and get lifetime access to the content!
Get the bank manager off your back with the help of Invested Mom! More details at
Invested Mom's program empowers you to take control of your personal finances, build confidence in your abilities, and find ways to manage, reduce, and eventually eliminate debt. The course is self-paced which makes it easy to fit around your work or family responsibilities.
According to the Policy Options website, the rates of female employment in Canada have begun to rise. This is due, in part, to the Federal Affordable Child Care Plan which makes returning to work a more realistic proposition for parents. However, research suggests that remote and hybrid working models still see many women penalized for taking a non-traditional approach to earning and time management.
Invested Mom gives women like you a helpful set of tools with which you can improve your earning potential and rely less upon others to facilitate your career progression.
Taking a transparent and modern approach to money management, Invested Mom covers a range of topics. These include how to change your mindset when it comes to money, strategies to maximize benefits from your current employer, building the confidence to negotiate a pay rise, and finding the inspiration to conceive and develop side projects and alternative means of earning.
In addition, you'll learn how you can leverage the power of platforms such as Linkedin to help find and secure higher-paying jobs, debt management approaches, and ideas regarding investment and why such opportunities remain open even if you don't have loads of upfront capital.
About Invested Mom
Invested Mom is the work of Inge von Aulock. Inge was born and raised in South Africa before moving to Canada in 2010 to start a new life. The course is built upon her experience of reducing her debt, investing in herself, and how small, deliberate steps can have a large and lasting impact on your prospects.
Inge says, “This is a self-paced course so you can do it on your own time. I highly suggest you do this multiple times so you can get a deeper understanding.”
If it feels like you've run out of ideas and options for making your money work for you, fear not! The best is yet to come with Invested Mom!
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