What I’ve learned from 18 years of recruiting around the world
Intro30.com will be holding a free webinar online on November 2nd at 11am PST called Global Recruiting: What I've learned from recruiting in 27 countries over 18 years
This webinar has anecdotes, tidbits and advice for recruiting around the world. How will things look after Covid, and how Remote can we really be? How different is recruiting in Asia vs America vs the Middle East vs Europe? How are we different and how are we the same?
Ellie Dailey will be leading the presentation and says this webinar is a chance for people to hear about what I've learned from recruiting in 27 countries over 18 years. They can ask questions live and there will be a Q&A session afterwards.
People interested in Global Recruiting: What I've learned from recruiting in 27 countries over 18 years can register free at https://www.linkedin.com/events/xorwebinar-globalrecruiting6859222241410899968/.
Ellie is based in San Francisco and the UK and is available for consulting: ellie@intro30.com
About Intro30.com
Intro30.com was founded in 2018 and is a free recruitment platform allowing candidates to introduce themselves with 30-second videos. It is redesigning and rebuilding its platform currently with a view to relaunching in the UK in 2022 with a focus on Sales, Hospitality and Retail recruiting.
This webinar is presented by Aida Fazylova, CEO and founder at XOR.AI - an innovative talent platform: "we automate the most repetitive tasks so you can focus on hiring."
Ellie Dailey says: "Since Covid conversations have changed and the world grows smaller as we all embrace remote working. I will discuss strategies to help your business maximize on this new normal and ensure you hire the right people - wherever they might be."
Whether you're an agency recruiter or in-house, there will be some stories that will resonate with the recruiting experience - empathy and empowerment being the central tenets.