Did you know your hearing aid can get stuck in your ear? Nano Hearing Aids tells you what to do if this happens, why it can happen, and how to prevent it. Don’t miss their latest guide to dealing with this issue.
It’s not something you'd normally think about, but your hearing aid can actually get stuck in your ear. Nano Hearing Aids is here to walk you through why this can happen, what you should (and shouldn’t) do, and how to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Read Hearing Aid Stuck in Ear: How to Deal With It, Nano's latest guide to making the most of your devices: https://nanohearingaids.com/blogs/news/hearing-aid-stuck-in-ear
Nano Hearing Aids says it's essential you address a stuck hearing aid appropriately, and this means getting professional assistance from a doctor or audiologist. Your first instinct might be to try to fish the device out of your ear, but Nano says this is a big NoNo. Instead, remain calm, contact your doctor or audiologist, and make an appointment.
If your device starts causing pain or bleeding, immediate medical attention is necessary, says Nano Hearing Aids. Consult their guide to find out what to expect during your emergency or GP appointment.
Regardless of whether your hearing aid dome is stuck due to an emergency or can be addressed within a day or two by your ENT, doctor, or audiologist, stop wearing your device until it is safely removed. A professional will use a specialized tool to extract the dome, and then they'll check your ear for any injury or infection.
A spokesperson for Nano Hearing Aids explains:
“Having a hearing aid stuck in your ear can be painful as well as dangerous. Knowing how to deal with the situation is essential. At Nano, our OTC hearing aids come with customizable dome sizes and other accessories to help prevent this issue.”
Leaving a stuck dome in your ear for too long can lead to severe pain, swelling, itching, and hearing impairment. While it may start as a minor inconvenience, it can quickly become a serious issue.
Incorrect dome sizes or long-term wear and tear are the most common reasons a hearing aid gets stuck. Nano recommends replacing your hearing aids' domes every three months and updating your hearing tubes every six months. As with anything, proper maintenance is key to longevity.
In addition to offering ear domes in varying sizes, Nano Hearing Aids also provides a full line of accessories to help keep your devices in top working order.
Check out Nano's OTC completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing devices designed to sit comfortably and deeply in your ear canal to improve your hearing more discreetly. Available in two and four-program formats, these devices were recently re-engineered to offer the latest in background noise management and feedback management technology for clearer sound. Designed with user-friendliness in mind, they are easy to remove and come with an auto on/off function that activates when you take them out of or place them back into their charging case
Nano Hearing Aids are FDA-registered, Class I devices designed for adults 18+ with perceived mild to moderate hearing impairment. Named a top ENT Solutions Provider in 2023, Nano prioritizes innovation and superior customer service, offering you 24/7 lifetime support.
And remember, always be prepared! Learn more about what to do if your hearing aid gets stuck, and check out Nano's Spring Into Better Hearing Sale for 25% off your purchase. Visit https://nanohearingaids.com today!