
Help Save The Traditional Morgan Horse With This New Preservation Program

Nov 11, 2019

Join Foundation Morgan Breeders today to promote, buy or sell Morgan horses, support preservation effort, and make a positive impact in the conservation of this iconic breed!

The critically endangered Foundation Morgan horse needs your help - check out Foundation Morgan Breeders today to find out how you can make a positive difference in the life of America's most iconic horse breed!

Foundation Morgan Breeders announced a new campaign to preserve the Foundation Morgan horse, an endangered breed which includes Morgan horses with 97% or more pure Morgan breeding. The website aims to provide an accessible opportunity for Foundation Morgan breeders and buyers to come together, as well as encourage the larger public to make a positive impact by donating to various Morgan preservation campaigns.

Go to https://www.foundationmorganbreeders.com for more info.

The campaign aims to bring together Foundation Morgan horse breeders, buyers, and enthusiasts in an effort to save this unique breed and reduce its vulnerability.

The Foundation Morgan Breeders project currently provides multiple ways for both breeders and private individuals to help preserve the Morgan horse.

If you're a breeder you can purchase a breeder page on the website, thus having an important opportunity to promote your stock and connect with potential buyers.

You can also use the website post an ad for your horses, with a small fee used to offset the marketing expenses.

Alternatively, if you wish to make a positive impact on the preservation status of Foundation Morgan horses you can also donate to various preservation efforts. A full list can be found on the official Foundation Morgan Breeders website.

Other support opportunities include joining the organization’s e-mail list, connecting on social media, sponsoring a calendar page, or shopping for Morgan horse gift items.

The launch of the website is just the first step in the organization’s efforts to preserve the critically endangered American horse breed.

A spokesperson for Foundation Morgan Breeders said: “For 2019, our primary focus is on informing the public of the critically endangered status of traditional Morgan horses. Funds from donations, purchases, sponsorships, and ads support our projects. Even if you don’t have the money, we can use your help on the social media front to help us spread the word!”

Click on the link above for more information.

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