
Holistic Wellness & Life Hacking Courses For Tired & Stressed Business Owners

Oct 5, 2021

If you’re looking for time hacking skills and techniques to get more productive in the workplace then this online course is perfect!

Time management is a skill that can be taught to any professional in any industry and it's vital to living a balanced lifestyle.

Miami, FL-based wellness consultant Michelle Niemeyer announces the launch of her updated online time management & wellness course for busy professionals or people going through major change and people who have lost sight of their dreams. This program teaches professionals how to live a balanced lifestyle while gaining more time so they can enjoy their career success while making their dreams come true.

This unique course and coaching program helps overworked professionals gain at least 10 hours more productive time a week within 12 weeks so they can have control of their time to focus on the activities they enjoy.

More information about Michelle Niemeyer Wellness, Inc. is available via https://www.michelleniemeyer.com

The course is designed to follow a week by week structure along a path to owning your time by the end of the 12 weeks. Coaching calls are scheduled following your completion of each weekly module. Michelle Niemeyer Wellness, Inc. notes professionals who have high levels of responsibility often require long work hours, leading them to sacrifice their well-being and relationships.

Left unaddressed, these issues can hinder job performance and may also lead to poor health and stress issues. To help work more productively day to day, Michelle Niemeyer Wellness, Inc. has developed "The Art Of Bending Time" and its lawyer course "Lawyers Thrive In Five".

"The Art Of Bending Time" is geared toward all professionals working in a fast pasted environment. These courses and coaching programs are available to individuals or can be customized to the needs of organizations on request.

The Art Of Bending Time program is a 12-week course that walks participants through a well-orchestrated series of exercises that allow professionals to convert their golden handcuffs to golden wings.

This program was designed by Michelle Niemeyer, a certified health coach and attorney who found her way to lawyer burnout and back in a journey that inspired her wellness education and development in this course. The lessons taught in the course are drawn from real-life experience and have been shown to help lead a more fulfilled life.

A recent student said "I doubled my business and found my joy again through The Art of Bending Time" -- Rick.

Further information about Michelle Niemeyer Wellness, Inc. and its services is available through https://www.michelleniemeyer.com

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