Hormonal Fatigue & Insomnia Treated With Bioidentical Pellet Therapy For Women!

Sep 11, 2024

Tired of feeling tired all the time? Hormone replacement therapies from Get Well Scottsdale (+1 480 607 6503) can help alleviate your menopausal symptoms, including fatigue and difficulty sleeping.

Going through "the change" is no joke, and the fatigue, insomnia, and muscle pain from a hormonal imbalance is very real .With treatments at Get Well Scottsdale, you can find some welcome relief and get back to living your life!

Learn more at https://www.getwellscottsdale.com/hormone-therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapies from the clinic's health team help alleviate night sweats, decreased libido, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, depression, or muscle aches.

Reduce Discomfort

With bio-identical pellets that produce hormones similar to your body’s own supply, the treatments can also help with pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints, muscle weakness, fatigue, vaginal dryness in women, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss.

Recent statistics from the National Institutes of Health show that physical, mental, and emotional symptoms are extremely common during menopause, with approximately 85% of women reporting some type and level of severity. With the hormone replacement therapies (HRT) from Get Well Scottsdale, you can recover your quality of life.

Optimize Well-being

“There is a huge difference between feeling ‘normal’ and feeling ‘optimal,’” says a spokesperson. “Unbalanced hormones play a huge role in determining your energy level, feelings, mood, and more. Optimizing hormonal balance is a life-changing experience for many of our clients.”

Pellet therapy is designed to provide a customized dosage for each patient, based on your particular needs. Drawing from the results of a simple blood test, the dosage of bio-identical hormones is delivered directly into your bloodstream throughout the day for up to five months, offering benefits that other methods - like creams, patches, shots, or pills - can’t provide.

Because bio-identical hormones are recognized by your body as being similar to its own, the chances of any adverse side effects - which can include headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, or bloating - are kept to a minimum.

Get Customized Care

With a focus on holistic wellness, the team at Get Well Scottsdale - led by Dr. Nicole Turcotte - can also create a customized wellness plan for you that includes nutritional guidance and IV therapy, as well as treatment for lymph or thyroid issues.

Previous patients have positive reviews for the health clinic and their services. “Dr. Nicole at Get Well Scottsdale is amazing,” says Jessica D. “She takes the time to truly address your individual needs and answer all your questions. I highly recommend her for all your holistic health needs!”

Don't keep suffering with the symptoms of hormonal imbalance - reach out to Get Well Scottsdale today!

Find more information and book an appointment at https://www.getwellscottsdale.com/hormone-therapy

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