How technology is transforming Hen parties.

Jan 17, 2017

This Dublin based start-up’s solution to hen party industry is a platform that can instantly book in thousands of hen party bookings simultaneously across the globe

The history of the modern day hen party (bachelorette party) began in the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, but remained uncommon up until the 1980’s. The first book on how to plan such an event was not seen until 1998. As with most industries especially those born in the pre-technology era this market had been brought to fruition by service led businesses. Businesses where people power is the order of the day, meaning that scale typically only happens at the rate that humans can process and act upon information.

The hen party industry certainly seen a boost like most industries due to the rise of the internet. But the pre-cloud internet (roughly 1994-2009) really just helped traditional service businesses gain maximum efficiency while running on people power. Email and websites were the cream of the tech crop. To their credit these tools opened up businesses to a whole new level of around-the-clock interest in their services and a better way of queueing up customers. But it did not allow these customers to be processed at a rate faster than what a human could deal with. The hen party industry to this day has been slow to move on in the post cloud and mobile internet era.

This is not because of a lack of sufficient development in the technology however. It is clear how technology has dramatically changed other typical service led industries, the most stark being financial services. Banks across the world are shutting down branches while customers do all their banking on their smart phones. Meanwhile Bitcoin and the blockchain continue to show significant growth. Entertainment and music have also been radically reformed by cloud and mobile. But stubbornly the Travel industry refuses to budge. The traditional travel agent is still very popular. Other niche areas of travel such as hen parties are exactly the same, serviced by people on the other end of an email or telephone line.

The Foxy Hen is planning on changing this by bringing technology to the fore. The company sees a need for 24 hour service as typically their customers are looking for services after work and well into the small hours. This archaic industry needs an automated solution that can instantly book in all the elements that a hen party needs (accommodation, activities, food & transport) while providing an efficient way to keep the group organised.

This Dublin based start-up’s solution is a platform that can instantly book in thousands of hen party bookings simultaneously across the globe. Customers are shown every element of what they need in one place and they have a superior way to engage with suppliers, invite friends, monitor the group’s actions and of course pay. The platform gives customers an easy and simple way to get the entire booking underway and ready to go in minutes rather than days with traditional companies while they wait for a person to respond to an email and do all the manual work that can easily be done by a computer.

Currently The Foxy Hen is trading on an mvp version of their platform while they aim to bring their fully automated solution to the market early 2018.

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