How to Find the Best Clickbank Products to Promote and Generate $1000s

Sep 24, 2019

A valuable webinar on how to find the best Clickbank products to promote and generate $1000 held by Blanchard Media is available for viewing for free at

  • how to find the best clickbank products to promote and generate 1000s
  • how to find the best clickbank products to promote and generate 1000s
  • how to find the best clickbank products to promote and generate 1000s

Teaching new and experienced Internet marketers who are frustrated about the challenges of affiliate marketing, the #1 Clickbank affiliate in the world shares his free training: "How I Generate $1000 Per Day Or More On Clickbank With This Simple 3-Step System". If you're interested, you can view this exclusive webinar for free on the Blanchard Media website: How to Earn $1000s Per Day Online

Robby Blanchard is the CEO of Blanchard Media, with clients such as Fit Body Bootcamp, Paleo Secret and Jason Capital International.

His company offers services such as speaking engagements, ad campaign management, private consulting and coaching.

Earlier this year in January, Clickbank, one of the top online sites for information products, held a contest with a big cash prize for the top affiliate of the network. In other words, the person who made the most commission promoting Clickbank products for the month would win. Well, my good friend Robby Blanchard ended up winning the entire contest and did $981,000 for the month! He even had a day where he made over $50k!

Whether you're a product creator or a product promoter... the top guys on ClickBank earn 6 and 7 figure incomes.

Unlike a lot of super-affiliates, Robby did not start out in the "make-money-online" industry. He actually got started in the fitness industry, opening his own gym after earning his MBA from Fitchburg State College.

He got into Facebook Ads to promote his gym (which turned out to be a big success), and this is where he honed his online skills to eventually become Clickbank's top affiliate and the creator of Commission Hero.

Commission Hero is structured in a way that gives you step-by-step instructions to setting up a profitable sales funnel and sending traffic to it using Facebook Ads.

In addition to answering questions about how to find the best offers on Clickbank and sell with Facebook ads, Blanchard Media also covers How to find the BEST and highest paying offers to make the MOST money possible. during the webinar. One of the most surprising facts explored during the Blanchard Media presentation is how to find the best offers on Clickbank and sell with Facebook ads which many experienced Internet marketers are not aware of.

Succeeding or failing as an affiliate marketer can often be traced back to the products you choose to promote. At first, selecting a product to promote seems simple enough.

But then, a couple of weeks down the line, you begin to wonder why you haven’t made any sales. You start to get a sneaking suspicion that maybe you should have spent more time choosing the right product to promote!

Understandably, the sheer selection of products on offer at ClickBank can be completely overwhelming to a newbie. How do you know if a product will sell well? What about competition? What do all the numbers mean?

Although there is no 100% watertight method for finding a profitable product, there are a few things that go a long way to increasing your chances of success.

The full agenda of this informative webinar also includes:

In this free training Robby will shows anyone how to…

-Make $1k/day promoting informative products that people are dying to use.

-How to use the power of Facebook to find huge pockets of untapped buyers.

-Why making $1k/day is actually easy to do and just takes 3 steps

-Why people need ZERO experience to have success with this system (Robby was just a personal trainer)

1 – Brainstorming a niche – The first thing you need to do is think about what market you’d like to work in. Choosing a market related to your hobbies, skills, passions and experiences is an excellent starting point (after all, you’ll be spending a lot of time thinking about it!). Are you a cat lover? Have you had experience with a particular health problem? Did you ace languages at school? Do your friends come to you for relationship advice? Having an existing knowledge of a niche can be a big advantage when you come to marketing it, because it’s much faster and easier to write persuasive and credible copy for your sales pages when you know what you are talking about.

So, have a scroll through ClickBank’s Marketplace and create a shortlist of niches you think you could effectively promote. Of course, ultimately you need to choose a profitable market over one that you simply like talking about, so these next steps will help you whittle your list down.

2 – Understand your customers – Let’s say you added ‘playing guitar’ to your niche list in Step 1. If you wish to pursue this idea further, then it’s very important that you understand (1) who in this niche is buying, and (2) whatthey are buying. The easiest way to delve into the minds of your market is by browsing forums related to your niche. This is a great way of finding out buyers’ needs, wants, and problems. For example, some people in the guitar market will be looking for free guitar sheet music; these people probably won’t be interested in buying something from you. Others want to learn guitar fast so they can participate in an upcoming performance; these people are much more likely to want to buy something to help them achieve that goal. Reading guitar forums will help you absorb what matters most to people interested in playing guitar, which in turn will help you choose the best products to promote to them.

Some other things to consider while you read: How can you target impulsive buyers in this market? How narrow is your niche? If it is too narrow you may find your target market is too small to make sales. If it’s too broad you’ll find it difficult to get your site ranked in search engines so prospects can find you.

3 – Selecting best-selling products – By now, you should have a good understanding of who your market is and what they are looking for. It’s now time to go back to ClickBank and search for some good products to promote that will meet their needs.

ClickBank uses a measure called ‘gravity’ to represent how well each product sells, based on how many sales have been made and how recent these sales were.

A very high gravity (i.e. 100+) will generally indicate that there is a lot of competition in this niche. Don’t let that put you off. Competition is good because it means there’s lots of demand for products in that niche. It also means that there are potentially a lot of people with lists who you could form partnerships or JV’s (Joint Ventures) with.

I should point out that sometimes a low gravity product can still be worth promoting – it might simply be new, or an undiscovered gem. So while gravity is a helpful indication of selling potential, you shouldn’t reject an otherwise high-quality product solely because of its low gravity score.

4 – Multiple Products – Ideally, you want to find a market that has multiple related products being sold through ClickBank. The reason for this is that if there is only one product available for the niche, even if it sells like hotcakes, you’ll almost certainly have a hard time competing with existing affiliates who are well-established in the market.

The other advantage of multiple products is that it allows you to create a review page, increasing your chances of making a sale. For example, if you are selling a “learn guitar” product, by including a few other “learn guitar” products on the same page, visitors will feel they’ve completed the evaluation phase of buying and are now in a position to purchase.

5 – High Commission Percentage (65% or greater) – Let’s face it: you’re not going to get rich on $2 commissions. In order for your marketing efforts to be worthwhile, you need to promote high commission products – that is, products paying out at least $18 per sale. Keep in mind that from a seemingly high commission, you’ll need to deduct your advertising expenses (e.g. AdWords) as well as your time. Of course, if a product has a high dollar value, then a lower commission percentage will still be a good investment.

6 – Persuasive Vendor Pitch Page – Finally, don’t forget to take a long, hard look at the product’s sales page, since you will be relying on it to convert your HopLinks into commissions! Does it look convincing? Does it address the concerns of the market? Is it persuasive and credible, or does it sound over the top and unbelievable? Would you buy from a site that looked like that?

Choosing the right product to promote is only the first stage of being a successful affiliate marketer, and if you do it right, you can drastically improve your chances of earning a good income. In the webinar Robby Blanchard invites you to join his group, Commission Hero.

As mentioned before, Commission Hero is structured in a way that gives you step-by-step instructions to setting up a profitable sales funnel and sending traffic to it using Facebook Ads.

The course outline begins with a 'Getting Started' section that explains some of the basics and moves on through some advanced strategies such as link tracking and scaling your campaigns. 

Getting Started

·        What is Affiliate Marketing

·        Ad Accounts

·        ClickFunnels

·        ClickBank

·        MaxWeb

Choosing The Right Offers

·        Finding The Right Offers on ClickBank

·        Finding The Right Offers on MaxWeb

·        Finding The Right Offers on A4D

·        Offer Spotlight: Flat Belly Fix

·        Offer Spotlight: Lean Belly Breakthrough

Finding Your Ad Image

·        What an Image Should Contain

·        Finding The Right Designer on Fiverr

Setting Up A Landing Page

·        Register For ClickFunnels

·        Setting Up Your Affiliate Links

·        Setting Up Your Domain

·        Setting Up Your PHP Landing Page

Setting Up Facebook

·        Setting Up FB Business Manager

·        Setting Up Your Fan Page

·        Setting Up Your Facebook Campaign and Adset

·        Setting Up Your Ads

·        Creating a Custom Audience

·        Bonus: Inside Look at a Successful Campaign

Setting Up Facebook Pixel

·        How to Install FB Pixel

·        Placing Your FB Pixel in Your ClickBank Acct

·        Understanding Your Pixel Analytics

Tracking Your Campaign

·        Tracking Spreadsheet

·        How To Install Tracking Links


·        Scaling Your Campaigns

Ninja Tactics

·        Reaching Out To Other Affiliates

·        Amex Card 

·        Spying on Facebook Ads

·        Dealing With Account Shutdowns


·        Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes (ClickFunnels)

·        Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes (PHP)

·        Mindset

·        Images

·        CPA

·        Contacts

You also get access to the Commission Hero Facebook Group and when it becomes available... The Inner Circle Coaching.

If you're looking to generate $1k/day will not want to miss this FREE training.

Click here to register for the FREE training “How to make $1k/day with Clickbank Offers”

For more information and to registrar for free access to the full video, you can visit the website at How To Earn $1000s Per Day Online

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