
How To Get CQM Certification During the Corona Virus Pandemic

Apr 15, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, you will face a dilemma as a general contractor with a government contract. You must possess CQM certification, regardless of stay-at-home orders. However, scheduled CQM courses have been canceled, and online certification courses are not approved. BCS announces on-demand, in-person CQM courses for 10 or fewer participants.

Until stay-at-home orders end in the USA, all public Construction Quality Management (CQM) certification course offerings have been canceled. As a general contractor, you face the challenge of getting or continuing government building projects, because you must meet official requirements for CQM certification...even during stay-at-home orders across the country.

You cannot obtain legitimate CQM certification online. At the end of each class, you or your employees must successfully pass a test to earn certification. But there is no way to monitor test-takers in a virtual environment. Headquarters of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has confirmed that there is no authorized online version of the CQM certification course available for contractors

A spokesperson for BCS explained the dilemma as follows, “In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the governors of Virginia, North Carolina and Maryland have issued stay-at-home orders and other directives to maintain social distancing. As a result, the normal sponsors of the CQM classes have been forced to cancel all classes for April and May, or as long as stay-at-home restrictions apply. However, all DOD related construction contracts have been designated as essential and contractors have been directed to continue execution. Building Constructive Solutions will support those contractors who need CQM certification or recertification with smaller private classes.”

To schedule a class, or for more information, go to https://cqmcert.com.

On April 3, BCS delivered an on-demand CQM certification class in Virginia. The class was conducted for five participants, using social distancing requirements and best practices for disinfecting surfaces. Although Virginia has one of the strictest stay-at-home policies in the nation, the class went forward, and participants earned CQM certificates.

After the successful completion of the first on-demand CQM certification class in Virginia, BCS continues offering these classes as needed by contractors. If you are in need of certification or re-certification, you may arrange or join a special certification class for 10 or fewer participants.

Building Constructive Solutions is authorized by the Norfolk District USACE (US Army Corp of Engineers) and NAVRAC (Navy Facilities Engineering Command) MIDLANT to deploy facilitators who deliver the certification course.

BCS is a licensed Class A general contractor based in Virginia Beach. They are also licensed to provide professional engineering services. The company is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Society of American Military Engineers, and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.

To learn more about BCS credentials and private course offerings, go to https://cqmcert.com.

To schedule a private CQM class or obtain additional information.

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