How To Handle Student Anxiety As A School Administrator: Get This Digital Guide

Feb 5, 2023

Times 10 Publications brings you “Anxious” by Christine Ravesi-Weinstein as one of their essential reads in the new year – a full guide on how to deal with anxious students in a constructive way.

How To Handle Student Anxiety As A School Administrator: Get This Digital Guide

The world is moving exponentially faster these days, so it would seem. The life of a student is not what it used to be - attention is torn between what can seem like 100 different things at once, and school work is just one of the many challenges they might face on a daily basis. This can be difficult as-is, but adding anxiety into the mix can make completion of those tasks nearly impossible.

Understanding the emotions of your students is a key component of teaching effectively, but what are you to do when those emotions are directly in conflict with the core of your job? What are you to do when a student is too anxious to complete even the most basic of assignments?

These are difficult questions, as you know, but there is a guide that can provide you with some help on the topic. "Anxious," penned by Christine Ravesi-Weinstein and published by Times 10 Publications, is your new best friend when it comes to helping a student who struggles with anxiety.

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This guide was released in 2020 to help educators battle the high levels of anxiety felt in and out of the classroom due to the pandemic, and the advice presented within has only grown more relevant since then.

In the book, Ravesi-Weinstein offers insight into the most common signs of an anxious student while exploring the various ways in which those symptoms might be misconstrued. The foundational claim of the book is that those who might be considered “lazy” by some - such as those who regularly miss assignment deadlines - may be suffering from anxiety in the background.

Based on this claim, the author explores a variety of methods that you can use to tackle the problem. The tips she provides stem from a combination of personal experience grappling with clinical anxiety and from her time as a classroom instructor, during which time she recognized the problems she details in this volume.

Ravesi-Weinstein particularly identifies ways to create a safer, more understanding classroom space that encourages students to pursue inquiry on their own accord, rather than being driven to do so by external factors. In this way, she also lays out what she feels are the key factors at play in the mind of an anxious student: grades, peer and parental pressures, and lack of study time.

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One reviewer said, "When you know better you can do better. Student anxiety is more and more prevalent. “Anxious” gives educators the necessary clarity on how anxiety works and how we can reduce the control it has on our learners. This book is written for every educator, not just counselors and social workers."

With this guide in hand, you will be able to more closely tap into students' emotions and come to more fully understand their predicament. Not only will they be better off, but so will you!

“Anxious” is Christine Ravesi-Weinstein’s debut title with Times 10 Publications, though her work joins an expansive lineup of teaching guides on a wide variety of topics. The book is available on the Times 10 store in paperback and ebook formats, as well as on Amazon.

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